Diocesan News

Acacia EAP- Holiday Handbook

Acacia EAP have released a new Holiday Handbook. In this handbook, there are tips and information about preparing for the holiday season, managing your money, practicing gratitude and other relevant areas of support as we move closer to the holiday period. 


It has been a big year, and the holidays may bring about different things for different people. Importantly, whilst it can be a time for celebration, it can also be a challenging time with financial pressures, family dynamics, and loneliness. 


For additional holiday resources, here's a link from the R U OK? organisation - 'Tis The Season To Ask R U OK?


A friendly reminder that Acacia EAP's contact centre will remain operational over the holiday season, and will be available to support  24/7/365. 


Health & Wellbeing Support- UniSuper

It’s been a big year, and we’re all eager to toast our achievements, let our hair down and celebrate with those who matter most this festive season. We want this time of year to be one you enjoy—but maintaining a happy and healthy lifestyle throughout isn’t always easy. 

UniSuper has partnered with 360Health to put together key things to consider this festive season.

Your health guide- click here