Principal's News

Prayer: Advent Week 2 - The Candle of Peace
The peace of God allows us to look at others through heaven’s eyes and help guide the world to see God’s here and not-yet here kingdom.
Peace from God, biblical peace, allows us to trust in God’s promises (Proverbs 3:5), through restful, tranquil faith, despite the sometimes dark, scary world around us.
Dear Families,
This Sunday will be the second Sunday of Advent and the Candle of Peace will be lit on our Advent Wreaths. At this time, in our global community, we should pray and act for a more peaceful world in which all people can be safe in their homes and countries.
As parents and teachers it is our responsibility to teach our children about the importance of peace and how they can each think and act to ensure their contribution to our world is a positive one.
We will continue the practice of saying a decade of the rosary each first Friday of the month in 2025. Tomorrow morning will be the last for this year and I hope some of you might be able to join us for this prayer.
Sports and Cross Country
Thank you to Mr Ru and Mrs McLeary who have been working together with our teachers to organize our Sports and Cross Country day for this coming Monday 9th December. Mr Ru has already communicated the timetable for the day so that any parents who would like to join us can come along and watch.
Student Reports & Student Led Conversations
On Monday you will all receive your child/rens report for second semester. The following day, on Tuesday 10th December, you will have the opportuity to hear all about your child's learning at their Student Led Conference. If you have not yet booked for this you can do so on the NForma Parent Portal.
As communicated via email recently, next year we will be moving to a new supplier of Before and After School Care. I have included the flyer below which includes a QR Code to register for the service.
Christmas Carols and end of Year Family Picnic Celebration
We are all looking forward to our Christmas Carols and Family Picnic which will be (fingers crossed and weather permitting) held outside on Monday 16th December. Each class will be singing a carol that they have been learning and there will be lots of time for us to enjoy some music and company together. I am sure it will be a great celebration for our school community.
Senior School Leaders
On Tuesday our Year 5 students all presented their leadership speeches to their peers from Year 3 to Year 5. Each one of them did an outstanding job and spoke with courage about their aspiratioons for leadership at Trinity. Each Year 5 student nominated three or four ares of leadership they would be interested in and all students then had the opportunity to vote for our 2025 School Leaders. No doubt there will be a mix of excitement and disappointment once the votes are counted and leaders named as some students will get their first preference, some their second and some their third or fourth. It is hoped that all students will accept their role and work hard next year to demonstrate the qualities of leadership they have learnt about.
We will announce our new school leaders at our final assembly for the year and present them with their badges at the beginning of next year.
End of year Dates
As we come closer to the end of the school year I ask us all to keep an eye on the community calendar HERE and to be aware of the notices sent out through SeeSaw and our Nforma Parent Portal.
On Monday 9th December we wil have a School Advisory Council AGM. We will say a very special thank you to Jenny Gill who will be leaving us at the end of this year and therefore stepping down from her role as secretary. Jenny has made huge contributions to our school in the years she has been here through her tireless work as the P&F President and in so many other ways initiating and running our fundraising activities. She will be greatly missed and we now look forward to other parents volunteering their time and energy to continue the great work done in the past.
Brazilian Jiu Jistu Classes
Aly, one of our parents has opened a new Brazilian Jiu Jistu Academy and would love to welcome new families to check it out.
Classroom Cuisine - Online Lunch Orders
Classroom Cuisine LOGIN HERE. Register to begin ordering.
Download Menu and Pricing
There are many important events throughout the term so please keep an eye on the school calendar.
Playgroup @ Trinity Primary School
We encourage all those with pre-school children aged 0-6 years to attend these wonderful sessions.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to send Ms Kate Foley an email.
Nigel Rodrigues