Sacramental Program

Sacramental Program 2025


Dear Parents/Guardians,


Welcome to the 2025 School year. We hope you enjoyed a joyful and relaxing break. As part of your commitment to a Catholic Education for your child; a sacramental program is implemented within our school curriculum and Parish. During Years 4, 5 and 6, students will be taught about and have the option to participate in receiving the Sacraments. Preparation for the Sacraments of Initiation is celebrated within a partnership of the family, schools and Risen Christ Parish - The Catholic Communities of Our Lady Help of Christians, Eltham, St Francis Xavier, Montmorency, Holy Trinity, Eltham North and families from our wider Parish. Sacraments are parent initiated, school supported and parish based. 


Our Lady Help of Christians, St Francis Xavier and Holy Trinity schools are very conscious of their responsibility to support parents in all areas of faith development, with a special program being taught during sacramental preparation time. The three schools will be working together in partnership and sharing the responsibility of the Sacramental program along with our Parish. Therefore, each community will take turns in hosting Parent Faith Formation Evenings, for the Sacramental program in 2025 - one at Eltham and one at Montmorency Churches.


The celebration of the Sacraments is a faith highlight in anyone's life.Today the local Catholic community offers these celebrations and parents need to be aware that they are not compulsory. We believe your participation as parents is crucial for the development of your child's faith, thus if you would like your child to receive any of the Sacraments (Reconciliation, Eucharist or Confirmation), naturally this includes families beyond our local school catchment. Please note your participation and attendance is important at the Parent Faith Formation evenings and at the celebration of the Sacrament for your child. 


The following dates for families involved in the Sacramental Program for 2025 are

Year 4 – Sacrament of Reconciliation 

Reconciliation Parent Faith Formation Evening - Monday 10th February at 7pm SFX Church.

          Year 4 Students to attend and partake in an activity with staff          


Sacrament of Reconciliation 

  • Monday 31st March 7 pm at OLHC Church Communal Rite of Forgiveness - Holy Trinity & Our Lady Help of Christians Students
  • Tuesday 1st April 7 pm at SFX Church Communal Rite of Forgiveness - St Francis Xavier Students

Year 5 – Sacrament of Eucharist

Eucharist Parent Faith Formation Evening (students not required)

  • Monday 28th April at OLHC Church at 7pm
  • 1st May First Eucharist Student Retreat Day (more information to follow)


Sacrament of Eucharist

Students can celebrate the Sacrament of First Eucharist by booking into any of the 3 Masses offered at OLHC Church or SFX Church over any weekend from Saturday 10th May (Week 3 -Term 2) until Sunday 12th October (Term 4-Week 1).  


Mass times are as follows: 

Saturday night Mass, 6pm at SFX Church, Sunday morning Masses, 8:30am at SFX Church, 10:00 am at OLHC Church. The booking process will be discussed at the Eucharist Parent Faith Formation Evening in April.

Year 6 - Sacrament of Confirmation 


Confirmation Parent Faith Formation Evening (no students required)

  • Monday 11th August at SFX Church at 7pm


Sacrament of Confirmation 

  • Confirmation Rehearsal at St Patrick’s Cathedral on Tuesday 14th October (School Excursion).


  • Sunday 19th October Mass to commence at 2:30pm. Children receive the Sacrament of Confirmation at St Patrick’s Cathedral,  1 Cathedral Pl, East Melbourne. Student Candidates from Our Lady Help of Christians, Eltham  

    Holy Trinity, Eltham North, and St Francis Xavier, Montmorency. 

Should you have any questions or concerns regarding this process, please contact Fr Michael at the Parish office on 9435 4742, otherwise questions will be answered at the Faith Formation Evenings. 


We look forward to working with and supporting you as you lead your child more fully into their faith journey in our parish community. 


Warm regards,


The Educational Faith Leadership Team

Michael F. Sierakowski 



Rudy Vail                                

OLHC Principal/Faith Leader     


Kathy Toomey          

HT Faith Leader  


Megan Bird

SFX Faith leader