P&C News

P&C President's Summary of 2024
During November the P&C held our AGM and it was well attended with approximately 30 members in attendance. All P&C positions were elected unopposed, so I am confident we have a great executive committee for 2025 that will work cohesively to enhance the amazing school community from which we all benefit. I was elected President for another term. The other members of the Executive are listed below, but first, I want to reiterate some points I made during that meeting about the year just passed. During the meeting I specifically called out the key volunteers (over 20 of them) driving each of these points below, but when I look at some of the P&C achievements during 2024 it is a substantial list and something I'm sure each of you and/or your children would have engaged with. Below is the list of 2024 highlights that I spoke to during the AGM.
- Getting the $30,000 grant for Immersive Space
- Trivia Night
- 2 Discos
- 3 Election BBQs and Cake stands
- Establishment of CHAT group
- Twilight Fair
- Canteen and Uniform Shop running smoothly
- Volunteer drive in the Canteen one month
- CAPA support
- P&C accounts being well maintained
- Monday/Wednesday Dance group doing a number of performances both within and outside the school
- Easter Raffle
- Mother's and Father's Day Stalls
- Book Club
- Establishment of Second Hand Uniform shop
- Band being well run by band sub-committee and maintaining something really special about our school
Martin C, P&C President
Meet Your P&C Executive
We are pleased to announce the election of the following individuals to key roles within the Parent & Citizens (P&C) Association:
- President: Martin C (Lenny, Yr 5 and Emma, Yr3)
- Vice President: Sara G (Jackson, Yr2)
- Vice President: Harshal D (Mansa, Yr4)
- Treasurer: Emma G (William, Yr1, Abigail, K)
- Secretary: Sally H (Isaac, Yr1)
Our new leadership team looks forward to working with the school community to make Roselea a collaborative, supportive, and welcoming place for everyone.