Things to know

The community members of Launching Place Primary School acknowledge the traditional owners, the Kulin nations, of the land on which we learn and play.
We pay respects to the Aboriginal Elders, past and present, who are our teachers.
We thank them for taking care of children and country for countless generations.
Communication matters
There are many forms of communication used between school and home to ensure that parents are kept informed about what is happening both in the classroom and at a whole school level.
This year, our main form of communication will be through the COMPASS platform. Messages and reminders will be sent out via COMPASS. Teachers will also use COMPASS as a primary way to communicate to parents. Please contact the office if you require further information about COMPASS.
Our newsletter will be sent out fortnightly. Please ensure that the office has an updated email address. The link to the electronic version of the newsletter is sent to parents and it is also available on the website.
Compass is our main platform for communication between school and home.
Parent and teacher communication plays a significant role in a child's learning experience. The Compass app enables parents to engage closely with school to see how their child is performing and feeling, book their next teacher conference, pay fees easily, and get ready for the next excursion. The Compass app gives busy parents access to everything they need to know.
If you need assistance with your compass login in please contact the office for help.
Breakfast Club
Seeking parent volunteers for this year to assist with our breakfast club during term one.
Our breakfast club operates two mornings a week, from 8.10am to 8.40am. All students are encouraged to attend, usually with 4-10 students participating. It serves as a wonderful opportunity to start the day off right.
Camps /Sports/ Excursion fund.
CSEF is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities.
If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. A special consideration category also exists for asylum seeker and refugee families. The allowance is paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions or sporting activities for the benefit of your child.
The annual CSEF amount per student is:
- $150 for primary school students
- $250 for secondary school students
Community Pantry
Launching Place Primary School has established a Community Pantry to serve our community. The pantry is conveniently located in a room off the foyer and is available for your support.
You have the option to either donate goods or take any items that you may require. A variety of products, including long life milk, cereals, soups, rice dishes, and fruit, are available for your convenience. Please remember to bring your own bags.
We encourage you to spread the word within the community and let them know that our support is available to them.
Call us on 59647783 or email:
Please reach out and let the Wellbeing Team know if you know someone going through a rough time. For any enquiries please email the Wellbeing Team at-
First Aid Time To Update
Updating Medical Records
The Department of Education requires School Asthma Action Plans and Anaphylaxis Plans to be updated annually. Existing and newly diagnosed Asthmatics must have an Asthma Action plan (available from the School Office). Please complete this form and return to school as soon as possible. A doctor`s signature is required. Anaphylaxis Plans are obtained through the doctor also.
If your child no longer requires an asthma plan can you please notify Audrey.
If your child requires medication during school hours you must complete a Medication Authorisation Form. These can be obtained from the front office. The medication must be brought to the office before school.
If your child requires Panadol etc. during school hours please complete a Medical Authorisation Form and supply your own Panadol to the front office. Students are not permitted to carry any medication in their schoolbags or self-administer any medication.
If your child requires Antibiotics and are to be given three times a day you can give to your child in the morning before school, after school and before bed.
Thank you for your support with helping us to manage student medical needs.
LPPS Privacy Policy
School Saving Bonus
Government school information
Accessing the School Saving Bonus
Parents and carers of students enrolled at a government school for 2025 will access their School Saving Bonus via an email sent from the Department of Education in November 2024.
The Department of Education and the Victorian Government will never ask you to provide your banking or financial details for the School Saving Bonus.
A School Saving Bonus email will be sent per child, so parents and carers with multiple children will get an email for each child in their family. The emails may arrive at different times.
The email contains a unique code for the $400 bonus and access to the School Saving Bonus online system.
To learn more about the School Saving Bonus online system, download the step-by-step user guide (DOCX, 945KB) or watch this video.
Please check junk or spam folders for this email. If the email is not in your inbox by 29 November 2024, please email
Allocating the School Saving Bonus
Families can choose how they allocate and spend the School Saving Bonus funds using the online system. The School Saving Bonus can be used towards 2025 school costs, which may include:
- camps, trips, excursions and incursions
- swimming and sporting programs
- outdoor education programs
- graduations
- school uniforms
- textbooks.
Families can use the online system to choose how they’ll spend their School Saving Bonus.
The Bonus can also be used at your school’s designated textbook or uniform suppliers in-store or online, or through State Schools’ Relief until 30 June 2025.
If your school does not have a uniform, or if you would like to use your bonus for unbranded school uniform items, you can use the bonus through the State Schools' Relief.
If any amount is unspent as at 1 July 2025, it will automatically become a school activities credit for you to use through your school. This will help cover the cost of things like excursions and camps.
Families who do not want to use the School Saving Bonus can elect to provide this money to their school for use by other students needing support. Please contact your school directly.
Student eligibility
The School Saving Bonus is available to parents and carers of every Victorian government school student from Prep to Year 12 in 2025, except for full-fee international students, home-schooled students, and TAFE students.
There is no application required for eligible government school parents to receive the School Saving Bonus.
Please be advised that the School Saving Bonus cannot be applied to LPPS bookpacks or stationery items; it is only applicable to textbooks. SSB can be used for activities.
Parent Payment Arrangement and Book Pack Information for 2025
Launching Place Primary School is very proud of all our students and our excellent curriculum programs that we have in place 2025, we look forward to a great year of teaching and learning in 2025.
If you haven't yet organised your child's book pack - it is not too late! Parent payment Arrangement and Book Pack Information for 2025 is below and is also available on Compass. Please contact the office if you require a printed copy.
Labour Day Public Holiday
Parents are reminded that there is a Labour Day Public holiday on Monday 10th March. There will be no school on this day.
Accident Insurance
The Department of Education (DE) does not provide personal accident insurance for students. Parents are generally responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for injured students, including any transport costs. The Department of Education states that reasonable low-cost accident insurance policies are available from the commercial insurance sector. Similarly, DE (which includes the school) does not offer replacement of personal items which are brought to school and are lost, broken, or stolen. Sentimental or expensive belongings and toys, including sports equipment and electronic devices, are best left at home.