Principal's Message

Welcome Launchers to our first newsletter for 2025. It has been wonderful to see our students return after the break, with enthusiasm and gusto for learning. Whilst our Prep students are yet to start, we have welcomed each of them this week as they have attended their Prep interviews. We look forward to their first official day on Monday 3rd February.
A running start…
The first day of the school year was a great success, with students from Year One to Six settling in exceptionally well. I would like to thank the staff for making the students feel so at ease, but also acknowledge the work that was put in last year during the transition program. Our students have hit the ground running, which is exactly what we were hoping for! It was also wonderful to see so many parents in and around the school and we hope that this continues! As the week has unfolded, it is already business as usual, and the students are getting on with learning!
Communications will predominantly flow through COMPASS as the first port of call, so I encourage families to make sure they have this app. In terms of student learning, teaching teams will also be posting updates and notices on COMPASS so keep a look out!
Welcome BBQ
Today a digital invitation went out via Compass and a paper version will follow tonight, hoping you can all attend our upcoming Welcome Back Family BBQ. This is one of our key community events of the year. A great opportunity to come along, chat with your child's new teacher informally and other parents. This year we are ramping things up with the addition of a waterslide and some fun activities for the kids. Siblings most welcome.
'Get to know you' Parent/Teacher Interviews
Thursday 20th February will see our Parent Teacher interviews kick off for 2025. This is a crucial opportunity for parents to meet up with their child's teacher and share information around:
the goals you have for your child
emotional/wellbeing factors that your child's teacher should be aware of
how your child has started off the school year
Teachers are really happy to answer questions about our learning programs, classroom routines or year level expectations.
I'll be available on the evening, so if there is anything further please don't hesitate to drop by.
Visiting the school and collecting children
A reminder to everyone that we have a policy which requires all visitors to firstly report to the office when entering the school. Should you need to visit the classroom, see your child at recess or are a helper at school, please report to the office first to sign in. This ensures that in an emergency we can account for all people at school. If you are having someone collecting your children that is not on your emergency contact list or does not normally pick up your child, please get into contact with our office prior.
Giving gifts
We want to take a moment to address a topic that was raised by a number of parents last year regarding the gifting of cards, sweets, lunch orders, and presents to students by other parents or carers. While we appreciate these actions typically come from a place of generosity and thoughtfulness, it is important that gifts are given with parental consent.
Some families prefer that their children do not receive gifts from others without prior discussion.
If you would prefer that your child not receive a gift from another parent or carer, we kindly ask that you speak with your child about politely declining such offers.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a respectful and considerate environment for all families.
Mobile Phones
There is state-wide policy on Mobile Phones in Victorian Government Schools. All students are required to turn off and hand in mobile phones to prevent usage during school hours. This also extends to smart watches where the call and messaging function can connect to the student’s phone. At our front office, Audrey uses a lockable cupboard in which to safely store student devices. Devices will be placed in the cupboard at the start of the day and handed back at the end of the day. School Council has approved our Mobile Phone policy to ensure it is aligned to Department of Education directives. A copy of this policy is available on our website. Please discuss this with your child/ren to assist us in following this policy. We thank you for your support in this area.
Virtual Tour
See you around our place,
Laura Caddy