From the Principal's Desk

Dear Parents,
Welcome to 2025 everyone!
We are very happy welcome our new families and also to see familiar faces, we hope you all had a relaxing break from the normal routines.
There is an amazing year of learning ahead and we will share information with you along the way.
Staff News
We warmly welcome Lisa Geary (Digital Technologies) and Tijana Wardrop (P.E.) to our community. Attached is a full list of staff, their roles and days of work.
Michelle Anderson | LSO | Mon, Tues 9.00am - 1.30pm Wednesday 9.00am - 3.30pm |
Nicole Ballinger | Administration | Tues, Wed, Thursday |
Lesa Bush | Year 3/4 L Religious Education Leader | Monday, Wed, Thurs, Fri Tuesday |
Darren Conaghty | Music | Wednesday, Thursday |
Julie Constable | Learning Intervention Literacy Intervention | Monday, Tuesday, Friday |
Tess Desmond | Year 3/4 T | Monday - Friday |
Daniela Di Bella | L.O.T.E | Wednesday, Thursday |
Joanne Doherty | Principal | Monday - Friday |
Josh Fedele | Year 5/6 J | Monday - Friday |
Nick Flavel | Year 5/6 B Numeracy Intervention | Thursday - Friday Wednesday |
Franca Fragomeni
| Deputy Principal Diversity & Wellbeing Leader Literacy Leader | Monday - Friday |
Lisa Geary | Digital Technologies | Monday - Tuesday |
Leah Hempenstall | Foundation L | Monday - Friday |
Bec Hoolohan | Administration | Monday - Friday |
Prue Lillie | Year 3/4 P | Monday - Friday |
Megan McCasker | Year 3/4 L | Tuesday |
Antonella Miletti | LSO | Monday 9.00am - 3.30pm Tuesday - Friday 9.00am - 1.30pm |
Bridget Morris | Year 5/6 B Mental Health & Wellbeing Leader | Monday - Wednesday Thursday |
Iain Reed | Deputy Principal Learning Leader Numeracy Leader & Intervention F-6 | Monday - Friday |
Sienna Ritoli | Year 1/2 R | Monday - Friday |
James Tsonis | Year 1/2 T | Monday- Friday |
Simone Viceconte | LSO | Monday 9.00am - 1.30pm Tuesday 9.00am - 3.15pm Wednesday 9.00am - 1.30pm Thursday 9.00am - 3.30pm Friday 9.00am - 1.30pm |
Tijana Wardrop | P.E. | Wed - Thurs |
Beginning of the School Year Mass
We will start our year by celebrating Mass together on Friday 7th February at 9:30am. All students will attend and we encourage parents and family members to join us.
Welcome Breakfast
Our annual Welcome breakfast for families will also be held on Friday 7th February from 8:15am- 9:15am. Families are welcome to join us for breakfast (cereal, toast, juice and hot drinks (for adults only). Come for a quick cuppa and catch up or come, stay until your children go into class at 9:00am or stay and join us in the Church for our Mass at 9:30am. An invitation and RSVP will be sent home tomorrow but please put the date into your calendars.
2025 Sacrament of First Communion
As a part of our sacramental program our Year 3/4 students will celebrate the Sacrament of First Communion. This important sacrament is celebrated by our regional Bishop, and as such we are allocated dates and times. Our celebration Mass will be on Sunday 31st August at 2.30pm.More information about the sacrament will be shared with families, however we wanted to inform you of the date to enable you to make arrangements.
Audiri App
It is important for families to download the Audiri App, we send out important messages and the weekly newsletter through Audiri.
We hold an Assembly every fortnight on a Friday afternoon. Levels are rostered throughout the term to showcase their learning and our student leaders host the assemblies which begin at 3:00pm. Assemblies will begin Friday 21st February.
Sports Uniform Days
The sports uniforms day are :
Foundation - Tuesday and Thursday
1/2 - Thursday and Friday
3/4 - Wednesday and Friday
5/6 - Thursday and Friday
School hats are to be work outside until April, no hat no play.
Attached is our 2025 Calendar, which includes camps and important events. Please check all dates however these are some important dates in the coming weeks.
Friday 7th February - Welcome Breakfast, Beginning of the School Year Mass and Assembly
Monday 10th February - PL day for staff no school for students, OSHC will be available on this day. Bookings are essential
Exciting News - Chess & Dance Clubs in 2025
We are so excited to confirm that Chess Club and Dance Club will be running beginning in Term 1. Chess Club will be facilitated by Chessmates and Dance Club facilitated by Kelly Sports. Both companies have met all the child safety and liability requirements and have come to us highly recommended. We are thrilled to be partnering with them. Bookings can now be made through the QR codes on each of the flyers attached. If you expressed interest please register as soon as possible as Dance begins next Monday 3rd February and Chess on Wednesday 5th February and we want to ensure all those who are interested get a place.
A very special and warm welcome to our Foundation students who started school today. They had a lovely morning and settled in to the classroom well.
Welcome to :
Leo, Harry, Zac, Macy, Louie, Heidi, Oscar, Matthew, Frankie, Harriet, Daria, Wolfe, Max, Joseph, Anthony, Rupert, Ollie, Olivia, Sana, Zavier and Madi.
Also welcome to Clodagh and Frankie in Year 1 and Maaz in Year 3.
Joanne Doherty