Our Years 7 and 9 students have recently completed their NAPLAN tests in the areas of Writing, Reading, Conventions of Language and Numeracy. We wanted to thank all students for their efforts and mature approach to undertaking these assessments. There are still a few catch ups scheduled for students who have missed an assessment, and these will be shown on the Compass schedules of these students.


Our Glen Eira Council Crossing Supervisors have mentioned to us that when students cross East Boundary Rd with their bikes, some students are mounting their bikes and riding against the traffic down East Boundary Rd towards McKinnon Rd. This is not only illegal but highly dangerous.


We have also had several reports that students are choosing not to wear their helmets as well which is very concerning.


We have mentioned these issues to students at lunchtime and after school announcements as well as through the newsfeed, but we would appreciate it if parents and carers can reinforce these safety concerns with their child.


McKinnon’s uniform has always played a crucial role in our school culture, and we want all students to wear it correctly. Families are reminded that during Terms 2 and 3 students must wear their blazer to and from school. It is also important to note that make-up and jewellery should not be obvious/excessive - this includes large hoop earring, fake nails and fake eyelashes.  


We are also seeing an increasing number of students wearing ‘fitted’ shirts that do not button to the collar, meaning the tie is loose and not worn correctly. The school-approved white shirt or blouse has buttons all the way to the neck so the tie can be worn properly and knotted to the collar. Our uniform supplier, Bob Stewart, has a supply of McKinnon's white shirt and we ask you to please check your uniforms and purchase new items, if required. A reminder that the School Saving Bonus, which all families have been granted by the government, can be redeemed at Bob Stewart if you have not already allocated this payment elsewhere.


Thank you to all families for your continued support of our uniform policy.


The best way to inform the school of a student absence is via the Compass App - simply create an ‘Attendance Note’. This needs to be done before the start of the school day (8:50am) to avoid being sent an automatic SMS. Please note that if we do not receive parental approval for the absence within 48 hours, it will be marked as ‘truancy’.  


If you need to contact us about attendance, please email


Alternatively, you can call our Attendance Officers on 8520 9050.


As mentioned at the Information Nights, it is vital that parents do not share their login password with their child. If you feel that your child might have access to the parent portal please contact the general office to obtain a new password.


Please be advised that if students in Years 7 to 9 need to leave the college early during the school day (e.g. due to illness or appointment) they must be collected by a parent/carer. We are unable to dismiss students without adequate supervision. 


In addition, if a student is feeling unwell at school they must report to the Health Centre - we will then contact families if required. We have had some students contacting their parents directly during the school day which has caused a lot of confusion. It is critical that the school communicates directly with parents in these situations. Thank you for your ongoing support.