Most of our Year 9 Food Technology students have settled in well. Working in a kitchen for an hour and a half and producing something enjoyable to eat is enticing to most of them. It is fair to say however that they don't enjoy cleaning up and I'm sure many are the same at home. However, they have risen to the challenge and recognised its importance.


So far, we have cooked a Pineapple Upside-down Cake a definite blast from the past (1970’s circa), Paella, Hamburger with Crispy Oven Fried Chips, Marble Cupcakes, Rice Paper Rolls, Thai Green Curry, and Chicken Caesar Salad.


These are some of the takeaways from the practical cooking classes.

  • Cognitive skills: maths skills by counting, measuring and following recipe directions, science skills;

  • Literacy: reading, comprehension and vocabulary;

  • Confidence, responsibility and self-esteem;

  • Encourages creativity;

  • Food preparation enhances organisational and cleanliness skills;

  • Co-operation and teamwork by working and sharing with others in the kitchen.

Food Technology is about much more than just cooking, while the practical side is exciting, theory work plays a crucial role in developing students' knowledge and skills.

Our Year 9 Food Technology Looks at:

Food Safety & Hygiene

Students learn the importance of personal hygiene and food safety - essential skills for preventing contamination and ensuring healthy eating.


Food Preservation

Through hands-on experiments (like testing the best way to preserve green peas), students discover how different preservation methods impact food quality and shelf life. They also observed a demonstration of pickled cucumber, and some included it in their hamburger.


Sensory Properties of Food

Students describe the appearance, aroma, flavour, and texture of various types of chips, ice cream, and chocolate. They then record their personal preferences based on their observations.


Food Trends & Choices

From social influences to environmental factors, students analyze what affects food selection in today’s world, preparing them to make informed dietary decisions.


And of course, Cooking!

Understanding the why behind food empowers students to cook smarter, eat healthier, and develop a lifelong appreciation for food. By encouraging them to engage with theory and practical classes we aim to create confident, knowledgeable food enthusiasts!


Hopefully, many homes will experience our Year 9 chefs producing meals that the whole family will enjoy.


Carmen Moloney, Jemma Owen & Susan Wilken

The Year 9 Food Tech Team