During period 6 on Wednesday 5 March, Year 10CBL classes had the invaluable opportunity to hear from two successful and local entrepreneurs: current Year 12 student, Jaimen Shamoun and ex McKinnon student Jemma Shamoun. They presented their inspiring journey from brainstorming a business concept for Ramla Body to the creation of a profitable business plan and pitching on Shark Tank Australia.


The main elements discussed included:

  • how they came up with their business concept/idea (beach sand repellent with many different fragrances);

  • the process to get their product to market

  • stakeholders that they had to consider including customers, suppliers, investors, government etc;

  • important consumer trends in the market;

  • some of their marketing campaigns on tik tok/instagram and their pop up at Chadstone shopping centre;

  • the experience of pitching and being on Shark Tank;

  • opportunities that came up from Shark Tank;

  • the future for Ramla Body.

Many interesting questions were asked by students and teachers attending and the information shared was both relevant and useful for Year 10CBL students as they continue working on their own team business concept/business plan learning task in class.


Jason Evans

Year 10CBL Teacher