Our Year 9 Robotics students have kicked off the year with enthusiasm and dedication! Having successfully completed their first assignment, they are now hard at work preparing for their next challenge. With each project, they are expanding their skills in programming, design, and problem-solving, setting the foundation for a deeper understanding of robotics and engineering.
As part of their learning journey, students conducted research into various fields of engineering and exploring the vast world of robotics. This research not only broadens their knowledge but also inspires creativity as they apply their findings to their own robotic designs.
Most importantly, the skills and knowledge gained in Year 9 Robotics have strong links to real life. Whether it’s understanding how robots are used in industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, and space exploration or developing critical thinking and technical skills applicable to a range of careers, students are seeing first-hand how their learning connects to the world beyond the classroom. Furthermore, students work in teams, sharing ideas, troubleshooting problems, and learning from each other. This collaborative environment mirrors the way professionals work in STEM industries, preparing students for future careers where teamwork and communication are essential.
With each new challenge, our Year 9 students are developing not just as robotics enthusiasts, but as innovative thinkers ready to tackle future technological advancements. We can’t wait to see what they create next!
Mr Hieu Dang
Teacher of Robotics and Mathematics