P&F News 

Trivia Night 

Wow! What a great night our P&F Trivia Night was! Over 200 geniuses in one room, all spectacularly dressed and in great spirits. Thank you so much to everyone for making this night such a success where over $15k was raised for our clubs.

Thank you to the clubs for putting on this amazing event – Mrs Louise Johnson who coordinated the event, the wonderful clubs and all their helpers – PAPA, Football, Rugby, Cricket and Basketball. This is a group of parent volunteers who run the clubs that all your boys use and everything we raised at Trivia goes to those clubs!  And to those who helped on the day with set up, again thank you! Without our amazing community these events are not possible.

To Mr Ronchetti and Val, along with all the staff members who turned up on the night, and to those who gave us so much support to make the night happen, we appreciate all the help you gave us!


We will be holding the P&F AGM in Term 4, on Monday 30 October.  All positions will be vacated and we're looking for new members, as many of our team have their last son in Year 12 next year.  Please feel free to contact me if you would like to know more about this great fun group!  There is so much information prepared to hand over that will make it so easy to pick up!


   Mrs Sarah Gillard - P&F President
