Pastoral Care
- R U OK? Day
- House Cup Presentation
- Ugandan Catholic Social Justice
- Student Leadership Team Speechcraft Old Boys Association training and EREBB commitments
- Year 9 Camp Preparation for Workul Koo Rites of Passage Camps
- Year 12 Graduation
- Coonabarrabran Mayor, Mr Peter Shinton, OAM
- Eddie Rice CIP Hours opportunity
- Congratulations to Bradley Newman
- Upcoming Parent Webinars
R U OK? Day
As part of the College’s focus on mental health initiatives, Friday 15 September was devoted to the R U OK? program. R U OK? Day is our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that any day is the day to ask, 'Are you OK?' and support those struggling with the pressures and challenges of life.
Our Student Wellbeing Leaders led by Liam Thomson, Tomo Wilkins and Billy Sykes, along with our Year 9 Student Empowerment Team, made a special effort to welcome each student onto the grounds as well as present ideas about how to positively assist in promoting mental health in their daily lives. The assembly presentation included our Vice Captains Mitch McGrath and Josh Bewley and focused on the slogan: ‘I’m here to hear’, which emphasised the importance of recognising signs of depression in others and a willingness to engage in active listening in our relationships with others.
Our Year 5 students, under the guidance of Ms Boyle made cards for the Year 12s wishing them well in the upcoming HSC. They presented Year 12 these cards and stood beside their Year 12 counterparts in prayer at Monday’s assembly. Students enjoyed an R U OK Zooper Dooper ice block at Recess, while the Student Leaders Eamon Boyle, Billy Sykes and Jesse Mansbridge presented all staff with some kind R U OK? Day words and an “apple for the teacher” with morning tea in the Staff Room. #ruok2023
Following on from our Year 10 students completing their Safetalk Training last term, and staff doing likewise on the Staff Development Day at the commencement of Term 3, The Mission Australia Youth Survey, GPs in Schools Year 10 initiative, Boxercise, Brick Break, Peer Mentoring, Peer support, Counselling Team and Peaceful Kids students initiatives, St Pius X College continues to make every effort to support the wellbeing of our students, staff, and community striving to uphold our touchstone aspirations as a caring, inclusive community.
It can be a lesson hard learned, however we are at our best when we actively care for and respect the dignity and wellbeing of each member of our community. Every interaction is an opportunity to support and advocate for the wellbeing of each other.
House Cup Presentation
The House Cup was inaugurated in 2010 as an opportunity to acknowledge participation in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities across the College which greatly influence the cohesion of our school and the way in which we value ourselves as a community which is accepting of all activities across our school.
Our College Vice Captains Josh Bewley and Mitch McGrath are supported by Ms Fromager in the front office to determine and allocate and award points for involvement in events and activities from Debating, Music, Drama, Boxercise, Robotics, Sports, the Edmund Rice Society, Immersions, Athletics, The Manly Jazz Festival, The 39 Steps, Film Festival, Premier's Reading Challenge, da Vinci Decathlon, Open Day, to Student Empowerment and Wellbeing Teams. Rory Rapa in Year 6 giving the Remembrance Day Ceremonial Address, Anthony Elliot playing the bugle for our 2/33rd Bn Partners at their ANZAC Day Commemorations and Matthew Hunt (Year 11 who won Bronze at the Junior Commonwealth Games in Jamaica in August! The athletics team from last Tuesday, the Old Boys BBQ chain gang and all other activities which accrued points throughout the year.
Other examples which accrue points include the Red Dirt Expedition, Year 7 RE Literacy Touchstone Letters to our partner schools around the world in Edmund Rice Beyond Borders. Our representation on EREBB Zooms (next Thursday we connect with Stella Maris in Montevideo Uruguay and The Abbey in Limerick in Ireland to share insights on Student Leadership and events in our schools).
Therefore, when Mitch McGrath and Josh Bewley presented the House Cup 2023 last Friday, they were considering the participation of every student, their representation and connective involvement across the life of the College.
No wonder every student was spellbound when the points for the Annual House Cup 2023 were announced:
In 4th Place on 28,955 points ……… RICE
Narrowly In 3rd Place on 35,384 points ……… BARRON
And... the winner of our House Cup for 2023 with a massive tally of 37,855 points, and lead by our eloquent and charismatic House Captain, Will Pavely - PURTON.
Congratulations also to TREACY House in a close run second place on 35,442 points.
Will graciously congratulated his team along with Year 8 Purton House Vice Captain Bradley Newman, who was by his side representing Purton students across the school. Will also thanked students from across the school for their part in making our school a better place in all forms of participation across the College.
The 2023 competition was made all the more remarkable by the fact it was a year which we were able to return to normal after several years of lockdown affected activities!
Well done to the students and community of St Pius X, and I know in 2024 there are plans for the House Cup to be even bigger and more hotly participated!
Ugandan Catholic Social Justice
We are privileged to host Teddi and Morris Mukasa at the College on Thursday 21 September with both Year 7 and Year 9 Mercy and St Pius X College students to listen to their story as Catholic Social Justice advocates who were forced to flee Uganda leaving their 5 small children behind in the care of others. Their story is one which will bring perspective and a world view to our recent workshop focus of 'Respectful Relationships'.
They will be welcomed to the College by Year 7 Mercy student Rachel Carpenter whose brother Adam (Class of 2021) attended the College and whose mother was also born and grew up in Uganda on the side of Mt Kenya!
We are grateful to the St Pius X College Old Boys' Association who are sponsoring this visit. The Old Boys have donated $300 from SPX OBA, and some students have proposed a gold coin donation and stationery drive to support the Mukasa family and their Ugandan Catholic Education connections. Watch this space for an opportunity to support these student led initiatives.
Student Leadership Team Speechcraft Old Boys Association training and EREBB commitments
Following a busy period of exams, the Student Leadership Team will have a Speechcraft session 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm on Thursday 5 October (in the holidays) when they will continue to develop their speaking and presentation skills and preparations for our Student Senior Leadership Investiture on Thursday 26 October and Speechcraft Graduation Dinner (for parents of Student Leadership Team on Wednesday 1 November, tbc).
On Thursday 5 October we will be online conferencing with the student leadership teams of Edmund Rice Beyond Borders Schools as follows:
- 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm The Abbey School, Limerick Ireland (Microsoft Teams)
- 9:15 pm – 10:15 pm Stella Maris College, Montevideo Uruguay (Zoom)
Stay tuned for the Microsoft Teams and Zoom link to be distributed by me and arrangements for the following:
Speechcraft Course sessions sponsored by St Pius X College Old Boys Association:
Friday 13 October 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm (around HSC exam commitments)
Articulation of Portfolio goals, themes, actions and aspirations
Preparations for Student Leadership Investiture and Speechcraft Graduation Dinner
Friday 20 October 3:30 pm – 5:30 pm (around HSC exam commitments)
Microphone session: Podium, Gym and Concourse
Preparations for Student Leadership Investiture and Speechcraft Graduation Dinner
Thursday 26 October
Student Leadership Investiture
Snowy Hike Training Hike Overnight preceding HSC Study Day 1 @ Oxford Falls
tbc Proposed Tuesday 31 October
Speechcraft Graduation Student Leadership Team and parents, significant others, Old Boys Association @ Chatswood Business Club / Roseville RSL Club tbc
Year 9 camp Preparation for Workul Koo Rites of Passage Camps
We return to Term 4 with Year 9 Pastoral Care camps in full swing. Please ensure you have complied with Mr Steinman’s information and consent requirements for:
- The Year 9 Camp generally
- The Paddle Board and Surf lesson specifically
Year 9 HR 1: Monday 9 – Wednesday 11 October
Year 9 HR 2: Wednesday 11 – Friday 13 October
Year 9 HR 3: Monday 16 – Wednesday 18 October
Year 9 HR 4: Wednesday 18 – Friday 20 October
Year 9 HR 5: Monday 25 – Wednesday 27 October
Students are required at school with their manageable sports bag and day pack of prescribed equipment by 8:00 am to pack the trailer and bus for each camp and should return by 2:00 pm from each camp.
Year 12 Graduation
At Year 12 Graduation lunch today we celebrated each student with their families and the stories of each student, family and the school which are now entwined and will continue to support each individual as they go forth to make positive change in the world. There are some families who conclude their long association of story within our College’s positive 86 year history including:
The Langreiter family whose great uncle, Flight Sergeant Anthony Gillespie, Royal Australian Air Force, was killed in action flying a mosquito fighter bomber over Germany on 8 March 1944. Gerhard and Declan (Year 12 2019) hiked the Kokoda Track with me in 2016 and as we celebrated Anton’s (Year 12) graduation we called upon Declan to present each graduating student with an Old Boys' Association tie into whose membership each student has been sponsored, to represent his family and the service of so many great people to the College, not least of which Flt Sgt Anthony Gillespie. Lest we forget!
The Haymen/Lenehan family conclude a long almost 75 year continuous association with the school through Tom’s grandad Tony, uncles, Martin, Anthony, James, and cousin Kalani (Class of 2020).
Julian Fitzroy and family including his dad, Heath (1987), brother Oliver (2021) and Uncles Tim and Guy attended in the 1970s-80s.
Charlie Arena whose brother Nate (2021) also joined their dad, Vince (Class of 1983 with Anthony Timmins RIP) in the Old Boys Association.
Zach Flynn whose dad, Peter, attended the school, and whose younger brother Ben (Year 10) supported the Graduation function.
Will Pearce whose dad, James is an Old Boy having attended the College in Years 5-6.
Lucas Hamill whose older brother Charlie was Class of 2021 and dad Joshua Old Boy Class of 1990.
Mitchell McGrath whose dad, Anthony, Class of 1991 and uncle, Mick, Class of 1982 RIP, also attended the College.
And finally,
Hamish McCallum who joins older brother Tyson, College Vice Captain Class of 2020 and grandad Peter, Barron House Captain 1957, as proud Old Boys of the College.
Coonabarabran Mayor Mr Peter Shinton OAM
The College was pleased to hear last week of the awarding, for services to the community, of an Order of Australia Medal to Mr Peter Shinton, former Mayor of Coonabarabran, and father of our own inspirational Science Coordinator, Mrs Jo Schuster.
Peter is a great supporter of our Red Dirt Expedition, having in 2011 facilitated a tour for our Physics focused group to the Siding Springs Australian Astronomical fibre optic Telescope led by none other than Australia’s foremost Astronomer Dr Fred Watson!
More recently, Peter and Mrs Shinton supported our contingency plans for Red Dirt mid-winter camping. They are great friends of the College and we enthusiastically celebrate Peter’s OAM as recognition of his great work in the beautiful Warrumbungles Shire.
Eddie Rice CIP Hours opportunity with Frenchs Forest Parish Landcare Sunday 15 October
Please see below advance notice of an invitation for students to participate in the Landcare Laudato Si Social Justice program at Frenchs Forest Parish St Anthony in the Fields Terrey Hills Church on 15 October. The program is often co-participated with students from Brigidine, Monte and Mater Maria Colleges and supports the Kieran Creek rehabilitation and our Reconciliation Action Plan to restore this important Cammeraygal pathway to the Cowan and Darkinjung lands. See Mr Brannan for more details, consent permissions, which can also be filled in with your parents and Anne Lanyon when you arrive, or to report your participation and accrue Eddie Rice CIP hours.
Congratulations to Bradley Newman
Congratulations to Bradley Newman from Year 8 who has been selected to represent NYC 2023 Sydney Scorpions Touch side. Hard work and determination has paid off as he will be going to the National Youth Championships at the Sunshine Coast over the September school holidays. Good luck and all the best to Brad!
Acting Year 8 Coordinator
Members of the community and particularly those with sons in Year 8 will be excited to learn that in Mr Stollery’s absence on long service leave in Term 4, Mr Anthony Tassone will be Acting Year 8 Coordinator. He will be a great support and guide for our Year 8 young men as they navigate Term 4.
Useful information on vaping
The link below may be useful for parents to access accurate and up to date information and resources on vaping.
Upcoming Parent Webinar
Parents Prepared: An informative webinar on drug and alcohol use and young people
When: 11 October
Time: 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Where: online via Zoom
Cost: $10 per ticket
Fide et Labore
Mr Sean Brannan - Assistant Principal, Pastoral Care