Parents & Friends
Upcoming events and more from the P&F
Parents & Friends
Upcoming events and more from the P&F
Thank you to everyone who attended our Holy Spirit Community Fete on Saturday! We loved seeing everyone having fun, catching up with friends and families and showing what the Holy Spirit Community is all about!
A huge thank you to our amazing Sponsors and Silent Auction donors but a MASSIVE thank you to the "hardest working Fete Committee" as quoted by Sponsor & supporter Michael Sukkar.
We can’t thank our school community enough for pitching in to make this amazing event possible. It boggles the mind that an event of this size and calibre can be pulled off by a team of volunteers who all have their own busy jobs and families to care for.
This includes:
The Fete fundraising total will be announced shortly but it’s safe to say, money can’t buy the look of pure happiness on our kids’ faces last weekend. (Or maybe it was pure happiness mixed with face paint and ice cream in some cases!)
Do you remember the excitement of the Book Fair when you were a child? The Scholastic Book Fair is back at Holy Spirit from Monday 30 Oct – Tuesday 31 Oct. Books will be displayed in the hall and children and their families will have a chance to purchase a special book or two to take home (or maybe one to tuck away for Christmas!) More details will be provided via Class Dojo closer to the event.
Our recent fundraising and events survey highlighted a gap in our school community. Quite a few parents said they would like to volunteer, but they can’t commit to certain days or times due to work and family responsibilities. Other people have mentioned that they would like to help occasionally (if they have enough notice) but don’t want to attend any more meetings. The Holy Spirit Helping Hands group will help us streamline volunteer opportunities at the school. Members of Holy Spirit Helping Hands will be invited to help out at events like the Colour Run or Food Days, or even do little jobs like putting notices in the classroom totes (pigeon holes), selling icy poles, or helping hang clothes at the second hand uniform shop. Most of these take only a couple of hours per term, and some only take a few minutes at the end of the school day. If you can spare 10mins before the bell goes, you can be a helping hand!
If you’re interested in being part of Helping Hands, please email with:
Remember: NO meetings and NO pressure to help out all the time.
Icy poles will be sold after school from Friday 20 October on the front lawn area for $1.
PLUS we will have two Scholastic Book Club catalogues and icy pole Fridays!