Classroom News Foundation

Term 4, Week 2

Term 4 already! We can't believe how quickly this year has come and almost gone. It is going to be a massive 12-week term, with a lot of fun activities. With the sun out and shining, please make sure your child has their hat or they will have to sit under the shade on the safety seat, as well as a water bottle. 


This term for Integrated is ‘Healthy Body, Healthy Mind’, where we will be looking at how fruits and vegetables are good for us, how our lungs work, and the ways we can stay safe. 


We are very lucky to have some local firefighters come and provide the students with fire safety, and the opportunity to see a fire truck up close. The local veterinarian will also be visiting the Foundation students who will provide the students a fun and interactive learning experience on pet care and safety.  To finish off the year, we will be going on an excursion to Melbourne Zoo with our buddies to celebrate the amazing friendships they have made over the year. If you are able to come along and volunteer on the excursion, please see the Compass post from Kirsten Goss. 


Maths this term we will be looking further into topics we covered earlier in the year, such as addition, subtraction and place value, as well as new topics of money, shapes and division. We started by looking at Australian coins, the features of them and sorting them based on their value. The students then role played their own shop, taking on the role of shopkeeper and setting prices, as well as the customer and purchasing items from other students' shops. 

 The focus of the remainder of the term will be using double digit numbers to extend on the maths topics the students have already been introduced to. 


Our mentor texts used for our Literacy lessons will be based on both Health as well as looking at Dreamtime Stories. 


In Reading we are identifying rhyming words, looking at comprehension strategies including literal and the main idea. Vocabulary including word choice and Sentence Fluency are also our other focus this term.


In Writing we are continuing with the Workshop Process, our focus is on Organisation, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency and Conventions. We provide our students with as many language experiences to help them with their thinking before we start writing. 

The students are so excited to continue with their Writer’s Gift, presenting and publishing their favourite pieces of writing.


Thank you for all your support,

Vicky, Louise and Kirsten