Principals' Message

Hello parents and friends,
It is our pleasure to produce the final newsletter for Term 3, capping off a busy and productive term. Like you all, we are in disbelief that we are in September already and our return to school will take us into October. Where does the time go?
Our final week of Term 3 is the right time to reflect on some term highlights. On top of a busy term of teaching and learning, TPPS also managed to produce an outstanding Grade 5/6 Production ‘The Wizard of Oz’, helped the Preps celebrate their 100th day of Primary School, farewelled and welcomed back our 5/6 students from camp at Sovereign Hill, supported students in representing the school in a range of sports (teeball, netball, hockey, athletics, basketball and futsal), planned and managed several incursions and excursions as well as celebrating Science Week and Book Week.
As we look ahead to Term 4, on top of another busy term of teaching and learning we will see Bike Education, camps for Preps, Grade 1, 2, 3 and 4, swimming, Grade 6 Graduation, student reports and transition into 2024 classrooms. Thank you to all staff for organising and running these events and thank you parents for supporting the events that contribute to providing all students with a well-rounded educational program.
Congratulations to Laura Young who on August 30th welcomed daughter Hayley into the world. Not long after (September 5th), Belinda Cambareri added a daughter Billie to her family to add to the exciting news. We are happy to report everyone is well and no doubt over the moon with both safe arrivals. Congratulations again Laura and Belinda.
We will welcome back Mr. Roberts from October 2nd (first day of term 4) as he makes the transition from grey nomad (hope he is not reading this) back to Principal of TPPS. Welcome back Mark, we hope your travels were all that you hoped for.
Have a great break everyone.
Once again, we are extremely proud of our excellent MTQ award results! Yet again we had a STATE winner in 3A's entry, 'Popcorn Mania'! Over 100 schools participated in total, with over 460 entries submitted. Our Prep, Grade 1 and Grade 3 classes all submitted a class entry which means they each worked together as a Grade to investigate their topic. Many of the topics were stimulated by a Maths picture story book or an area of current interest for that grade level. Our Grade 5 students chose to work either individually, with a partner or small group to investigate a topic of their choice. Each entry was judged at least twice, and in some instances three times.
The Mathematical Association of Victoria (MAV) will host an award ceremony in October for those scoring a High Distinction and we will forward details about this later. We would like to congratulate our staff and students for their effort and enthusiasm in working through such rich Mathematical investigations. We know that MTQ is often mentioned as a favourite thing in student report comments and the learning is something remembered by the children for many years.
Well done to everyone!
AWARD | Description |
High Distinction | Presented a highly innovative mathematical and/or financial literacy investigation that communicated the aim and findings effectively and could be used to make real change in our world. Highlighted mathematical and/or financial literacy strategies and concepts beyond their expected level and reflected on how concepts were interconnected and impacted on real world change. Used complex, challenging, and accurate mathematics beyond their expected level. Displayed highly detailed examples of their calculations and work and how these impacted on their findings. They acknowledged resources used to assist their learning growth and provided a detailed narrative that reflects on the investigation process. |
Distinction | Showed a well-structured mathematical and/or financial literacy investigation that communicated the aim and findings effectively. Highlighted mathematical and/or financial literacy strategies and concepts used and reflected on how these connected with the topic. Used challenging accurate mathematics in a creative an innovative way. Provided detailed examples of their own work, acknowledged resources used and had narrative that reflects on the investigation process. |
Credit | Explored meaningful Maths concepts but could have challenged themselves with more complex concepts. Had great mathematical and/or financial literacy ideas but did not show strong examples of the student’s rough workings and acknowledge the resources used. |
Participation | May have some elements of the investigation but missed important aspects such as an aim, reflections, or findings. Is a great investigation but focused on aspects of science rather than a mathematical and/or financial literacy focus. |
What culinary Maths do we need to be efficient in the kitchen? | Prep U | HD |
Counting on Prep W - Is Maths really all around us? | Prep W | HD |
I know numbers | Prep K | D |
Can we help Prep TF find Mathematics in Rosie’s walk? | Prep TF | D |
Farmaths | 1E | D |
Let's Play Super Mario Bros! | 1M | C |
What is the best nest for an egg? | 1P | C |
3A Popcorn Mania | 3A | HD |
3K’s Mini MasterChef Birthday Cake Challenge | 3K | HD |
3D’s Money Doesn't Grow on Trees | 3D | D |
3Y’s Minute to Win It | 3Y | D |
How much money will it cost to build a pool in my backyard? | Audrey B | HD |
What is the most expensive component of organising a space Party? | Mamie J, Sienna R | HD |
Which is Best: Kmart Target or Big W? | Austin G | C |
What will it take to host a pizza party for 30 people and make a small profit? | Carlo D, Leo F, Harry W | C |
Is a 4 Day Week better or worse for students? | Dimitra K, Zara M | C |
How much does it cost to wwn a dog for the first year? | Emilia T, Ava S | C |
Is it profitable to sell homemade earrings? | Georgia H | D |
7 Continents 7 Days | Leena B | D |
What sailing boat can I buy with my budget? | Mark P | D |
What is the most commonly used colour on the Olympic countries flags at the 2024 Paris Olympics? | Michael L | D |
How much does it cost to build an NBA team? | Nicholas D, Blake J | D |
What is the total cost of planning a trip to see the Constellation Cup? | Sofia B, Olivia M | D |
School Hats in Term 4
All students are required to wear school hats from the commencement of Term 4. If you need to buy a new one, please visit the uniform shop. We are a SunSmart school and we have a ‘no hat no play’ policy.
Principals’ Award
At our final assembly for Term 3 we were so pleased to present the Principals’ Award to Xavier C in Grade 2. Xavier has a fantastic attitude towards his learning. He approaches any challenge with a ‘can do’ attitude and a big smile. He has worked very hard this year to improve his skills and has shown particular improvement with his writing. Xavier is a very good role model for other students when it comes to learning and interacting with friends. We are so proud of you Xavier and love having you at TPPS.
Brian Cleary Robyn Twyford