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Students dive deep into sea life
Year 11/12 Biology 2 students recently spent a day at the Woodbridge School Marine Discovery Centre, where they explored the impact of invasive species and climate change on marine environments.
The students then jumped on board the RV Penghana for abiotic and biotic field work, including testing the water’s pH, temperature and turbidity, as well as dredging up specimens from the sea floor for classification.
Sustainability Fair success
The Sustainability Fair, held on Wednesday 13 September, was a great success, with families and students flocking to the College Green to discover how St Mary’s College is working to support a healthy and vibrant community.
Guests were inspired to learn about and embrace everyday sustainability practices, with an array of stalls, workshops and demonstrations highlighting topics such as permaculture, natural ecosystems, upcycling, circular economy, sustainable food, electric vehicles, First Nations culture and much more.
A worm farm, run by the Kinders and Preps, and a baby chicks exhibit, linking to the Year 4s’ unit on lifecycles, were popular attractions, while succulents propagated and replanted by the College’s Future Entrepreneurs students and a fast fashion display drew steady crowds.
Other highlights of the event included stalls selling beeswax wraps and coffee sugar scrubs, a fast fashion display—featuring walking installations, and a variety of delicious food to tempt tastebuds.
A big thank you to all of the staff and students who volunteered and produced such wonderful stalls for the enjoyment of all guests.
View more photos in our website gallery here.
An evening of musical delights
Our College community gathered in the Nagle Centre on Thursday 14 September to support our Junior and Senior School students as they took to the stage to present a variety of instrumental and vocal works.
An outstanding celebration of music and choir at SMC, the Music Gala gives our Performing Arts students the opportunity to showcase the breadth and depth of their talents and accomplishments.
Audience members were treated to stellar performances from the College concert band, rock band, string ensemble and student choirs, along with our instrumental soloists and vocalists, who kept fingers and toes tapping.
Our Junior School performers also stole hearts with their amazing stage presence and high energy performances. For some students, this was their first time on the big stage, and they did their families and teachers proud!
Well done to all students who performed on the night, and a big thank you to our dedicated music staff for all their work in bringing this Gala together.
See more photos from the Music Gala on our website here.
Combined Schools Band Day
The Nagle Centre was again filled with the sounds of instruments in harmony as 210 students gathered together for a full day of musical exploration.
The College's Year 5 students joined Year 5 and 6 students from St Virgil's College and Sacred Heart College for the Combined Schools Concert Band, held on on Monday 25 September.
Leading instrumental teachers from each school guided students through the familiar songs and new music that the combined schools band learned, practised and played before an audience.
The concert was a beautiful celebration of the joy and power of music to unite our community. A special thank you to everyone who made the day possible, including the hours put in by students, parents and carers, and staff.
Vinnies Quiz Night
Friday 22 September saw the return of the St Mary's College Vinnies Conference Annual Quiz Night, where around 80 guests battled it out for bragging rights to the crown, as well as raising funds for the Loui's Van service.
Thanks to the generosity of our community the College raised just over $2,000 for St Vincent de Paul. Congratulations to the students for creating such a successful night!
Thanks must also go to College Youth Minister, Belle Young for her role in helping coordinate the event, our event sponsors (pictured below) and all who supported the evening.
Legal students take on Supreme Court
The Year 11/12 Legal Studies class recently attended the Supreme Court of Tasmania, where they enjoyed the opportunity to see the state's adversarial system of trial in action over two days.
The students observed a voir dire, an opening address by the prosecution, judicial directions given to the jury and a cross examination of a witness.
Pilgrimages and labyrinths
As part of 11/12 Religion in Society class, students have been investigating many ways of expressing religious ideas and understandings about the world. One of these ways is the concept of making a Pilgrimage. This could be to a place of religious significance such as Jerusalem, Mecca, Rome, Lourdes, or it could refer to the journey itself, for example, the Camino de Santiago (France and Spain); the Way to St James (Tasmania) or the Mary Mackillop Trail (Victoria and South Australia).
To help us explore and understand the concept of pilgrimage and how we can apply it to our lives, Mrs Leanne Prichard from the Catholic Education Office shared her own experience of walking the Camino de Santiago. This is an ancient pilgrimage across France and Spain, to the tomb of St James, and it continues to be a significant pilgrimage today.
The students were interested to hear Leanne walked 800kms in just under four weeks. She carried a pack that weighed nine kilograms and she carried the prayers and thoughts of many families and friends along the way. She met many fellow pilgrims, each walking for a different reason, but all enjoying the journey and each other’s company. And the good news is, she made it!
Leanne then led the class in walking our Labyrinth. This too is a tradition that dates back to ancient times, and it is recognised as a sacred symbol for life or a heroic journey. It is a walking meditation that allows those who walk the path to reflect, pray and free themselves of the busyness of their day.
The girls enjoyed the sun, the stillness and the focus on the path, reflecting on and making connections between this small journey and the bigger-picture journey of their lives.
Thank you, Leanne for sharing your experiences with us and helping us to learn about pilgrimage and walking our beautiful labyrinth.
Fiona Chambers
Learning Leader of Religious Education
Year 8 Retreat
On 30-31 August, Year 8 students attended their annual retreat, this year on the topic of 'People of Character'.
Students began by examining scripture and stories which explored themes of the value inherent in every individual and the power of self-belief. Using principles of psychology, they then discovered what their own character strengths are and, using symbolic colours, created yarn dolls which reflected their personal strengths and qualities.
Later, they learnt about what it means to be a person of character using Nano Nagle as an inspiration. The day ended with a liturgy where students added their own commitments to their Year 8 banner which they began decorating at last year’s retreat.
Many thanks to the Year 8 Life and Faith teachers, along with our Youth Minister, Belle Young and Director of Identity and Mission, Sharon Lawler for facilitating the Retreats.
First Communion students
The following students from St Mary's College made their First Communion at the Cathedral on Sunday 15 September.
Ava Di Santo
Isla Whitfield
Madeline Palermo
Sophie Breen
Syerrah Lampard
Florence Clarke
Amy Houareau
The students have been participating in the St Mary's Cathedral Sacramental Program this year and have now completed their Sacraments of Initiation.
We congratulate these students and wish them every blessing for the future.