News & Notices

Crazy Colour Day (Colour Run) registrations open
The St Joseph's P & F will be holding the School Fun Run’s Crazy Colour Day (Colour Run) as a major fundraising event this year on Friday, 24 November, during school (previously scheduled Friday, 17 November), at 2 pm!
A brochure has been sent home with your child today, and a video is available to watch via Further information regarding what to wear, the prize ordering and the program will be communicated in the coming weeks!
About the Day
The Crazy Colour Day is all about Fun! It will be a huge colourful mess and is undoubtedly one of the most exciting days on our school’s calendar, with everyone’s participation the aim, so please make sure they attend the day and cheer the other kids on!
How Does My Child Fundraise?
Firstly, go to and create a student profile page. Everything to do with your fundraising revolves around this page.
1. Under I'm a Student/Parent click Sign Up
2. Complete your parent/guardian registration
3. Create your child's profile by selecting + add child, and entering the information (search Wee Waa, and select 'St Josephs School - Wee Waa')
4. Share the link with friends and family!
Students who raise just $10 will be able to choose a prize! The more they raise, the better their reward – don’t forget to check these out in the sponsorship form! We have educated students on the dangers of door-knocking without supervision, and we encourage you to reiterate this at home. The great thing about online fundraising is that you can share the link to your child’s profile with friends and family via email, SMS and Social Media.
Online Fundraising
The easiest way to help your child raise money is through online fundraising, where students raise an average of $120. On top of raising more money, it’s safer and easier than doorknocking, and you don’t have to worry about handling money! To start fundraising online, go to your student profile page at and share your online fundraising link.
Competition Time
To get our event off to a flyer, we are starting our Crazy Colour Day with a super easy competition! The class with the highest percentage of profiles registered by next Friday, 20 October, will be able to run first on the event day! To help your child’s class win, simply create your profile at
Getting Involved
Not only can you support the school and students with your sponsorship – but you can join in on the fun! We would love to welcome parents and family members to attend our Colour Run. If you would like to volunteer on the day, please contact the school office. We cannot wait to see you at our event!
Ordering Prizes – ALL PRIZES MUST BE ORDERED ONLINE. Please contact the school office if this isn’t possible.
If you have any questions, please contact the School Fun Run team on 1800 FUN RUN, and they will gladly assist!
Made for School Uniform Shop new website
Dear Parents and Carers,
Our online uniform store, Made for School, now has a new website via, with a new look.
Please note that you must be signed in with your Made for School account to add more than one item to your cart. If you already have an account with Made for School, you will need to reset your password via You can also create an account via the Register page or sign in automatically using your Google or Apple account.
Orders placed before 1 pm AEST will ship the same day and are sent via tracked Australia Post directly to your street or postal box address. Please note that some large orders cannot ship to postal boxes. If this is the case, please use the school address, and we will let you know when it has arrived.
Please note that school hats and a limited supply of new and secondhand uniform items are available via the Compass app under the Canteen Menu > Uniforms (available each Wednesday).
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
All Canteen orders are to be placed via the Compass app each Wednesday by 9:00 am.
The Morning Tea and Lunch Canteen Menu is available to view and order via Compass. Please find both Mobile & PC Instructions attached.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
This is just a reminder that, wherever possible, all volunteers must have a current Working With Children’s Check.
What will I need?
- personal details, including date and place of birth
- your original proof of identity documentation.
How do I apply?
- Visit the Service NSW website
- Select the 'Apply online' button.
- Select 'Apply for your Check'.
- Select 'Continue and apply'.
- Complete the online form, ensuring the name you enter matches your identity documents exactly.
- Visit a service centre to present your original identity documents.
What will it cost?
Applying for a Volunteer WWCC is FREE.
If you have any further questions, please contact the school office.
Kind Regards,
St Joseph's Primary
Changes to Private Vehicle Conveyance subsidy for student travel
Dear Parents and Carers,
Please see the attached document for further information.