From the Principal's Desk

ICT Day on Monday

On Monday, our school hosted an Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) day along with students from Drummond Memorial, Kelly's Plains and Kingstown Public Schools. We had close to 100 students here on the day working with each other to complete tasks using new resources and equipment.  I would sincerely like to thank all families who were able to donate cakes, slices, biscuits, etc for our Year 6 students to sell at morning tea time to assist with their fundraising.  They raised $137!!  I would also like to thank the P&C for providing a BBQ lunch pack for everyone who attended.  A day full of sunshine, smiles and laughter.  Thanks everyone!

Assembly - Tomorrow Afternoon (Thursday) - 2pm

We will hold our next assembly tomorrow afternoon (Thursday, 21st September) from 2.00pm.  We welcome everyone in our school community to come along and join us in the COLA area.

Book Fair Coming - Monday 16th - Friday 20th October

The Scholastic Book Fair will be visiting the school again in week 2 of next term with a buy one, get one free offer. We will provide further details after the holidays.

Parent/Carer/Community Survey

Rocky River Public School is continually striving to improve what we do.  We are asking for some feedback about some of our programs and operations through the link below. This information will be used to identify areas for improvement as part of our planning into the future. Thank you in anticipation of your support. The survey is open until Monday afternoon.

To access the survey, click here.

Kindergarten Orientation Program


Our orientation program for students who will be enrolling in Kindergarten next year will begin early next term. Information has been sent to families involved but please contact us at the school if you require any further information.


The dates for this year's program are as follows:


Monday 16th October - 9.00-11.30am

Monday 23rd October - 9.00-11.30am

Monday 30th October - 9.00-1.00pm

Monday 6th November - 9.00-3.00pm

Rocky River Public School Facebook Site - Now Live


As a school, we have decided to set up an official Facebook page for our school called Rocky River Public School. This website will be set up by the NSW Department of Education and it will be an official page.


The purpose of the Facebook site is purely to communicate school events and achievements. When viewers access the site, they will be reminded of the conditions placed such as being respectful and not posting negative and/or inappropriate comments. The school site is monitored by the NSW Department of Education and is set up according to appropriate rules and conditions for schools.


Many schools use Facebook as a communication tool for events, messages and as a form of contact in emergency situations such a bushfires.


From time to time, we would like to publish student achievements.  Please note we will NOT upload your child’s photo without your written consent.  A permission note for this is attached below and a hard copy was sent home this week. This permission will remain on file until changes in writing are received by the school, by parents and/or carers.


If you have any questions, please contact me at the school.  The official Rocky River Public School Facebook page is now live. (Please look for the official page with our school crest.)

Sydney Excursion Update

Detailed permission notes for our upcoming Sydney Excursion will be sent home to families in the first week of next term for our students in Upper Division. The notes will detail information about our full itinerary and will request medical and dietary details for planning purposes. It is essential that all payments are complete before the excursion commences.  We have been working on a suggested payment schedule as per the details below. Please keep an eye out for this information next term.

Information for Term 4

I will provide an information pack for all families on the first day back next term regarding events for Term 4.  Please see a draft calendar below.  (I will print the final version for everyone as part of the pack).

No School Development Day in Term 4

Please note there is no school development day on the first day of Term 4.  Students and staff return to school on Monday 9 October 2023.

Happy Holidays and Thank You

Thank you all for another successful term at Rocky River. I am simply in awe of the effort our students and staff put in to making learning such a rewarding experience for everyone at our school. The opportunities our students have had this term is amazing and I congratulate everyone for putting up their hand to be involved in as many opportunities, both in and out of the school, as possible. 


I trust everyone will have an enjoyable and safe break.  If you are travelling on the roads, please drive carefully. We look forward to seeing you all back at school on Monday 9th October.


Brad Hunt
