Ms Brea Terris

Dear Families,


What a fantastic start to Term One, but it feels the weeks are flying along very quickly.   As we move through Term Four, the weather is beginning to heat up and it is important that we prepare students. Please continue to ensure that your child has their water bottle filled with water to stay hydrated throughout the day and a hat to stay SunSmart when outside at play.



In planning for 2024 School Council have made a change to the way we purchase resources including stationary for students for the new school year. 


Next week parents will be provided with a book pack with a detailed list of supplies that each student will need for the following school year. We have partnered with Campion who will supply these resources for us. Parents will be able to log onto a portal and order the supplies and they will be delivered directly to your house. 


If you would prefer to purchase your own supplies you are more than welcome to do so and bring them into the school at the start of next year. 


This will be a change for many families as to purchase through Campion this will need to be completed this year rather than in January in 2024. 

Building Works

This week I met with the architect who is completing the design work for our building project. It is such an exciting time and allowed for me to discuss the hopes and dreams for the facilities at SHNPS. The design stage will take about 12 months with the hope to begin the works in late 2024. 


This time of year, we continue to plan for the 2024 school year. If you have any requests related to your child's wellbeing, please email them to Please note we do not take individual requests for teachers.


We understand that at times families may move for a range of reasons. If you think you may not be attending SHNPS next year, please email us as this will help support us with planning for 2024.


Halloween Disco

We are looking forward to hosting our Halloween Disco on Tuesday 31st October. Students are welcome to come dressed up for 

the disco in Halloween outfits. The disco will run from 5.00pm to 6.30pm. Parents must drop their children off and sign them into the gym and sign them back out at 6.30pm. 

Snacks and drinks will be provided for students on the night. We hope our students can join us for this fun event. 


Grandparents' Day

Next Friday we will be celebrating Grandparents' day. We hope that families will join us from 10.45am to visit classrooms and then enjoy morning tea from 11am. A small variety of morning tea items will be available to purchase on the day. Invitations and notes with more information went home yesterday. 

Colour Fun Run

Keep fundraising for the Colour Fun Run which is coming up on the 3rd November.  Families can join us from 1pm to share lunch and participate in the day. 

Thanks to all of the fundraising we have another 4 teachers who will be slimed on the day. 

If we raise another $400 there will be more teachers chosen next week to be slimed. 


Have a lovely weekend.


Kind regards,

