
From Seed to Plate Project
The whole school weeded, fed and planted out the seedlings they have propagated indoors in mini greenhouses. We planted beetroot, cabbage, kale, snow peas, peas, and climbing beans. The tomatoes, cucumber and zucchini will be planted when potential frosts have finished. The students watered the seedlings in well, collected the gardening tools, bundled gloves together and now will watch their little seedlings grow into produce to be used in our kitchen garden classes next term or in 2025.
Big thanks to Jo for gaining Woolworths Junior Landcare funding for our From Seed To Plate project.
School Jackets
Since we introduced the soft shell, fleece lined school jacket, about half of the school student population have purchased them. Our 'dressing for the weather' work last term has led to students coming to school dressed appropriately. Students are wearing their jackets and beanies and layering up.
Jackets and beanies are still available from the school office.