Parents & Friends

Dear all,
We were so blessed to have wonderful weather for our Italian Day. The Pizza making was a huge hit all the children and parents who helped had so much fun. I would like to thank Signora Vozzo and Mr Speranza for all their hard work in planning this fabulous day and to all the volunteers Jeremy, Primrose, Donna, Jade, Bec, Kala, Julie, Brit, Richard, Vesna and Mel thank you for your time and patience on the day.
Movie Night is on Thursday 22nd August and will be hosted by the Year 5’s and Year 6’s. The theme will be "RUG UP". Children can wear comfy and warm clothes, pj’s or an oodie. Please drop off all children by 5:30pm sharp and pick up will be 7:30pm. We will be showing two films, 'TROLLS BAND TOGETHER' rated PG and 'THE SUPER MARIO BROS MOVIE' rated PG. You will also need two bring along a water bottle. It's $12 per child and they will receive one slice of pizza, popcorn and an ice-cream cup. I suggest you give your child/children a lite meal after school so they don’t get too hungry by the time the pizza arrives (I know Alyssa gets quiet hungry).
Tickets sales strictly closes on Sunday 18th August 2024, so to avoid your child missing out book your tickets. You only have 3 more days!
On Monday 19th August the Year 1’s and Year 2’s will be busy baking all weekend for their Cake Stall. So come along to the Zen Zone from 3:15pm until 3:45pm where you can pick up some yummy sweet treats for the whole family.
Fathers Day Breakfast will be on Friday 30th August at 7:30am. Year 1’s and Year 2’s will be hosting this event . We will be serving a BBQ sausage and bacon & egg rolls along will some pastries and baked goods with fresh fruit and warm Milo for the whole family. On the day there will be a Coffee Van where you can purchase coffee from and a raffle tickets sold and prizes drawn in the morning. We are seeking donations for the raffle tickets so if you have anything to donate please leave them in the office, its greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Tickets go on sale tonight -
Major Fundraiser - Art Show
Lastly we are getting ready for our Major Fundraiser which will be a MET GALA themed from our children's Art Show this year on Friday 13th September (only a month away). If you would like to be part of our committee to help organize this amazing event please click link the link below and I will be in touch with you soon.
On behalf of the P&F enjoy our wonderful weather.
Kind regards