Around the School

HOOPTIME - By Jemima (Yr 6 Sport Leader)
On Friday the 9th of August, year five and six students passionately participated in the hooptime tournament held at MSAC. Playing a series of short basketball games against other schools in the area such as St Finbars, St James, St Agnes, St Josephs, Auburn Primary and MLC. All teams ardently cheered on their teammates, and displayed their sportsmanship through support on, as well as off the court. By the end of the tournament, the year 5/6s were left joyful yet tired from the successful day accomplished.
The Hooptime players would like to give a big thanks to Miss Kat, Mrs Ferrari, Mrs Mason, Craig (Poppy’s dad), Anoushka (Anna’s mum), Rohan (Isaac’s dad) and all of the parents who came to show their support and made sure we could participate in this tournament on our scheduled day off school!
ITALIAN DAY 2024 - Signora Vozzo
Dear Parents and St Mary’s School Community,
Last week we celebrated the Italian language and Culture. What a success!
The day commenced with the Year 6 students leading us in Italian saying the St Mary’s School prayer. This was followed by each year level presenting a learning for the community.
We were blessed with a fabulous sunny day and yummy food! Students had a marvellous time trying the four amazing activities during the day: una partita di bocce, un gioco a tombola, fare la pizza e creare lavori artistici con la pasta!
Thank you to every family for supporting your child in preparation for the day. Thank you to our Parents and Friends Committee for enabling the pizza making activity to occur.
A special thank you to our parent volunteers who gave their time to assist the children with the pizza making.
The day was enjoyed by staff, parents and students! Bravissimi ragazzi e grazie maestri! Viva l’Italia!
LIBRARY NEWS (Mrs Katherine Reade)
Book Week, Week 6 - Reading is Magic
Welcome to Book Week!
A busy week is scheduled to celebrate the joy of reading.
Our Book Fair will run in the Zen Zone room Monday to Thursday, before and after school at 8.30am to 8.45am and 3.15pm to 3.45pm.
A Book Fair order form has been sent home with students today. You can pre-order books using the barcode on the form. The orders will be sent to the school over the next few weeks. Books can be purchased at the Book Fair from Monday to Thursday before and after school. There are a limited number of copies available on display, however extra books can be ordered as needed – no one will miss out!
Second-hand Book Stall will be available, if you are interested please bring a cold coin to purchase these books separately to the Book Fair.
Due to the book fair – Storytime will not run this week. Library will run as usual on Tuesday.