Book Week 19th - 23rd

Book Week is next week and we have planned an exciting week to celebrate all things books! Please read the outline below so you can be prepared for these amazing learning experiences.
Book Fair: Monday 23rd August - Thursday 25th August
Opening times: 8.15am - 8.45am and 3.30pm - 4.00pm
This will be held in the Zen Zone Room next to the Prep classroom.
Monday 19th August
Visiting artist Sarah Allen will be conducting workshops with students in their classrooms throughout the day.
Sarah Allen is an award winning illustrator and children’s author based in Melbourne, Australia. Through her colourful picture book series, Sarah introduces children to Australia's amazing wildlife. Sarah's work has been commissioned for Australia Post stamps, greeting cards, public art and murals. We are very excited to work with her on Monday.
Monday to Friday Book Week - 'Reading is Magic’ themed activities organised by the Year 6 Curriculum Leaders, supported by run by the Year 6 Leadership groups to be held in the Zen Zone at the first break.
Story Sharing - all teachers will be visiting classes to share their favourite stories during eating time each day. Keep an eye out for who might appear in your room, I wonder what book they will share?
Dress up as your favourite character from a book or dress in the theme ‘Reading is Magic’.
9:05am - whole school gather on the top court for the annual Book week parade. Hosted by the Year 6 Leaders. Parents and carers most welcome to join in, or spectate.
9:30am - Book Sharing in classrooms. Parents & carers are invited to come into the classrooms to share their favourite book with the students and listen to some of the student’s favourite books.
10:15am - Book Week gathering (in place of Assembly this week)
Join us for the whole school Book Week Sharing Circle and be enlightened by a snap shot of the books each class has experienced during Book Week.
12:00pm to 3:00pm - Multi-age rotation activities.
Students will experience and be invited to reflect upon several books selected from the Children’s Book Council of Australia’s short list in multi age groups.
Click on this link to find out which books have been shortlisted for awards.