Years F-6 Coordinator

Bailey Kemp 

F-6 Key Dates


Thurs15thCalder Athletics (F-6)
Fri23rdWhole School Mid Term Assembly @ 9am
Mon26th2025 Foundation Students Information Session
Mon-Fri26th - 30thBook Week
Fri20thLast Day Of Term 3 (2.30pm Finish)

Important Reminder for Early Pick-Ups

If you are collecting your child before the end of the school day, please be sure to sign them out at the office first. Visit the office to complete the sign-out form on the tablet and let the office staff know. This procedure helps us ensure the safety and accurate tracking of all students. Thank you for your cooperation, any questions, please contact the school office.

Calder Athletics (Reminder)

A reminder for all Foundation to Year 6 students that our Calder Athletics is next Thursday, 15th August: Please remember to bring your water bottle, packed lunch, and snacks. Don't forget to wear your sports uniform and comfortable running shoes. It’s also a good idea to

bring a jacket in case of cooler weather. Families are most welcome throughout the day.

Foundation performing the Vowel Song

Our foundation students performed the Vowel Song at Monday morning assembly. 

Dry Ice

Yesterday, Mr Zudetich gave us a very exciting Science lesson, we learnt all about Dry Ice. 

At lunchtime the playground was buzzing with lots of excited kids waiting for a taste of Ice Cream made out of Dry Ice!


Stars of The Week


Yr 1/2: Ryan - For always putting in a goof effort with his writing.

Yr 3/4: Tom M - For trying to use creative ideas in his innovation writing task.

Yr 5/6: Lacey - For being positive towards challenging classroom content and being engaged in class discussions.

Reading Awards

75 nights: Dakota

100 nights: Campbell

150 nights: Tom J

Book Review by Renee

Renee recommended Itty Bitty Kitty by Maddy Mara. This is an adventure and mystery book which includes Kitty and Leo as the main characters. The book is set in the garden outside where a kitten who thought her backyard was a forest and decided to climb up her tree. Renee rates it 5 out of 5 stars and recommends it for students aged 6 and 7.