Laudato Si'

Inspired By Faith, Indigenous Perspectives & Sustainability News - Miss Natalie Dullard

Inspired By Faith News

You are invited to our Father's & Special People Mass this Friday 30th August, 9.30am at Immaculate Conception Church, Hastings, led by our amazing Grade 1 and 2 students.


Adult Faith Slides Term 3, Weeks 7 & 8

Our Faith theme for the fortnight: Learning - Questioning, critiquing, wondering, responding to and being open to the possibilities of the living Gospel.

Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop ~ Quote of the week

As we continue to journey with Saint Mary of the Cross MacKillop each day at St Mary's let us live out her wise and comforting words: "Be calm and full of hope."

How does this quote resonate with you?

What does this look like for you?

How can you apply it to your life?