
Positive Behaviours for Learning
At SFS, our PBL (Positive behaviours for learning) school wide expectations are:
Responsibility and
At SFS, our PBL (Positive behaviours for learning) school wide expectations are:
Responsibility and
This week the teachers and students focused on the value of KINDNESS and the expected behavior of “Be thoughtful of others”. The teachers talked to the students about respecting each other’s boundaries and the personal space of others. Here are some of our lucky PBL winners from last Friday’s raffle who have been demonstrating our school expected behaviours!
The SRC has been working hard to make some positive changes in the school this term. This week the SRC promoted the important cause of R U OK day which we celebrated on Thursday 12th September. The SRC decided that they would like to wear fluro vests like the teachers with R U OK written on the back. They gave up their lunch breaks and organized a roster so they could help other people at lunch time who looked upset and use the steps of ALEC that they taught the rest of the school. The steps are to Ask someone if they are Okay when you notice they look upset or worried, Listen to what they have to say, Encourage the child to take action and Check in on them after the event. It was important for the SRC reps to tell their classmates the importance of asking for help when you need it and also that there are some problems that are bigger then they can manage, so it is important to talk to a trusted adult and ask for help.The students were so excited to collect their vests and proudly told me how many students they were able to help during the break. It is so wonderful to see our SRC demonstrating our school wide expectation of KINDNESS through their words and actions. The SRC also asked that everyone wear a “touch of yellow” to school on Thursday to raise awareness around the importance of Mental health and checking in our family, friends and classmates.
If you need immediate crisis or emotional support you can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14 .
R U OK? is a national charity dedicated to inspiring all of us to have regular, meaningful conversations to support anyone going through a difficult time. You can learn more at ruok.org.au
If you have any concerns about the mental health or wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to speak to at school, via the phone or email on rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au
I will be available to speak with parents on the afternoon/evening of Parent teacher interviews on Thursday 19th September from 2pm until 7pm. You can use the school interview link to book in a time to speak to me about any concerns that you may have the mental health and wellbeing of your child or if you would like to know more about services and supports at school or the local community.
Rachel Lenko
Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader