Learning and Teaching

Parent Teacher Interviews - BOOK NOW!
Parent Teacher Interviews will be held on Thursday 19th September.
Bookings close on Monday 16th September.
Parents of LS2 Seniors - you are invited to an expo .....
During Writing time our Clinic 2 and 3 students have been creating imaginative stories and learning to use descriptive language.
Rihan wrote a story about a boy named Tom and his dream.
Rihan Chelliah IH
Havannah wrote about a little boy named Jack who was lonely.
Havannah Leach NG
The students consistently exhibit outstanding listening abilities and a high level of motivation throughout their sports rotations. Their enthusiasm has had a beneficial effect on both their fellow students and us as coaches.
Our Grade 5/6’s competed in their respective Houses in T-Ball, the following Teams came:
First - Teresa
Second - Bosco
Third - Patrick
Fourth - MacKillop
The points will be allocated towards the House Spirit Trophy towards the end of the year. Congratulations to Teresa in winning the T-Ball competition.
On Wednesday, September 11th, our senior students participated in the Winter Lightning Premiership. The sports teams, including Australian Football (AFL), Basketball, Kickball, Handball, and Tennis, engaged in a Round Robin competition against primary schools in the Hampton Park District. This district consists of ten primary schools, encompassing both state and Catholic schools.
The Physical Education teachers in the Hampton Park District develop a balanced round robin schedule. This process consisted of several meetings to reach a consensus that ensures equitable competition among all schools. The collaboration was one of professionalism and mutual respect, aimed at optimizing student performance. Additionally, it emphasizes the importance of sportsmanship and respect among the teachers involved.
In each sport, teams participated in three or four matches, which included semi-finals, culminating in a Grand Final featuring the two top teams. Our AFL team triumphed in the Grand Final, marking a remarkable achievement; congratulations to Maddison, Andriana, and the entire team. The Basketball Girls Team secured first place, demonstrating exceptional performance throughout the day, they will advance to the Divisional competition. The Kickball A Team finished in second place after competing in the Round Robin format. Our Handball Team showed significant improvement during the competition and thoroughly enjoyed their experience. Lastly, our Tennis team achieved third place overall, which was quite gratifying, as they also demonstrated progress throughout the day.
The performance of our students was outstanding, and they had a wonderful time. This achievement would not have been possible without the dedication of the coaches for the various sports, as well as our Senior Teachers at St Frances de Sales Primary School: Mavis, Melody, Amy, and Maddison, along with the invaluable support from Learning Support Officers, Kathy and Andriana. We have also been consistently aided by parental involvement, particularly Mark (Noah’s father), who attended training sessions weekly and the Interschool Sport Competitions. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to everyone for your continued support, which I appreciate endlessly.
Wednesday 18th of September
Casey Athletics Track, Cranbourne
Lulli Barbakos
Physical Education Teacher
On Wednesday, Grade 3/4 students attended cricket clinics organised by Peter the Southern Metro Cricket Manager.
“This one-day cricket clinics are facilitated by Cricket Victoria. These clinics are designed to be a fun and engaging taste of the junior programs on offer at local clubs, focused on action and constant movement.”
The students attended a 55 minute clinic and learnt basic skills, working collaboratively with other students in their home group.
We would like to thank Cricket Victoria for this opportunity.
This week was the last volleyball clinics for the Juniors. The students had a great time. They have been exposed to a new sport, learning basic skills in volleyball such as volleying and setting. We would like to thank DS Sports for organising the coaches for our volleyball clinics.
We hope that perhaps there may be some students that enjoyed volleyball and would like to continue it after school as part of a club. Please see the Community section of the Newsletter for volleyball programs available during the holidays.
We have been offered a great opportunity for an extra curricular activity through the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) Outreach Program. RSPCA Educators will be visiting our school to provide a lesson for our Juniors on Wednesday September 18th.
Their experienced teachers will bring fun and informative lessons addressing pet care responsibilities and the role of the RSPCA. The aims of the program are to:
- Find out what the RSPCA is and how it helps animals.
- Identify and discuss the needs of different pets for survival.
- Discover that humans also have basic needs and then compare these to a pet’s needs, identifying the similarities and differences.
- Explore feelings of animals and how they compare to our own.
- Learn about the responsibilities of having a pet.
- Explore the roles pets play in our families and lives.
Students will be involved in a 45 minute lesson where they will complete a variety of activities. They may get the opportunity to meet and interact with an RSPCA Education Dog, play the ‘What pets need’ interactive game and learn the ‘Pet Needs’ song.
Please acknowledge this notification on Operoo prior to the event.
What a great time our staff and students had competing in our own Olympics! Each LS Juniors and Seniors are going out and competing in various novelty events in their Houses. Points are being given for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
At our Olympic Closing Ceremony on Monday the Houses who came in 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each Learning Space were announced as well as the House that came 1st in the overall school competition. Here are the results for people who couldn’t attend our closing ceremony:
LS1 | Bosco | MacKillop | Teresa |
LS2 | Teresa | Bosco | Patrick |
LS3 | MacKillop | Bosco | Patrick |
Overall School Winners:
Bosco | MacKillop | Patrick |
Thank you to all the parents who have completed the swimming Operoo form. If your child is unable to swim due to a medical condition, a Medical Certificate is required otherwise you will still be required to pay the swimming levy. Please hand in your medical certificate to your child’s Hone Group teacher as soon as possible. All swimming ability forms should have been completed by now and handed to the Home Group teacher. These will now be passed onto the pool so that students can be placed into their initial groups. Students will be further assessed in their first swimming lesson.
Parents who have volunteered to assist the juniors, I will be checking that your Working with Children Check is current and registered with the school office. I will then be in contact with you prior to swimming beginning.
Swimming timetables have been uploaded onto the Operoo permission form as an attachment. Please print it off and ensure you have it available at home. Parents please note you are welcome to attend Casey Race to view your child’s lesson but photographs and videos are not allowed and only parents who have been contacted by me will be able to assist in the junior change rooms.
A reminder to parents that swimming is an important part of the PE curriculum and all students are expected to attend. It’s imperative that students know how to keep themselves safe around water. If there is a medical reason your child cannot attend, you will need to provide a medical certificate for your child to be exempt. They will then remain at school in another Learning Space.
As is the tradition, Footy Fun Day will be held on the last day of term. We encourage students and staff to come dressed in their footy clothes or footy team colours. P&F will be organising a footy fun day lunch which will include sausage in bread, Krispy Kream donut and drink. Further information will be provided shortly.
We are also looking for any enthusiastic footy parents to come and join us in the annual teacher vs Gr 6 match at 10.20am on the day. Remember you must have a current Working with Children Check registered at the office to join us. If you are interested, please email me at the email address below.
Parents we ask you to please acknowledge the Operoo form posted for Footy Fun Day. An approximate timetable for the day can also be found on the Operoo note. A reminder that we will finish at 1.00pm on the day for the end of term.
Sports Coordinator