Education in Faith

Education in Faith
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Year - B
This Sunday’s Gospel from Mark 8:27-35 invites us to explore into the heart of discipleship and the essential nature of Jesus’ mission. Jesus poses a pivotal question to His disciples: “Who do you say that I am?” Peter’s response, “You are the Messiah,” seems like a triumph. Yet, Jesus’ subsequent revelation of His suffering and death flips the script, challenging expectations and demanding a deeper understanding of what it means to follow Him.
Peter's reaction to Jesus' prediction of suffering and death is one of disbelief and resistance. He’s grappling with the stark contrast between his expectations of a triumphant, earthly Messiah and Jesus’ prophetic vision of a suffering servant. In response, Jesus sharply rebukes Peter, emphasizing that divine wisdom often defies human logic and comfort. This moment is profoundly significant for us as modern disciples. Just as Peter struggled to reconcile Jesus' path of suffering with his own expectations, we too might find ourselves wrestling with our understanding of God’s will. Our faith journey isn’t always marked by clear, smooth paths. Instead, it often involves embracing the unexpected and learning to trust in God’s plan even when it diverges from our personal hopes or desires. Jesus’ call to “take up your cross and follow me” is not merely a call to endure hardship but a profound invitation to live with radical love and selflessness. It challenges us to rethink our priorities and align our lives more closely with the values of the Kingdom of God. In a world that frequently values comfort and success, Jesus’ message invites us to seek something deeper - a life characterized by compassion, sacrifice, and true discipleship.
As we reflect on this Gospel, let us ask ourselves: How do we respond when our expectations of faith are challenged? Are we willing to embrace the crosses in our lives, seeing them as opportunities to grow in love and faith? By following Jesus' example, we can transform our trials into opportunities for grace and deeper connection with God.
In the coming week, let us open our hearts to the unexpected ways in which God might be calling us to follow Him. May we find strength in embracing the radical love that Jesus embodies and be inspired to live out our faith with courage and conviction.
Sacramental News - Confirmation
Congratulations to 33 of our Grade 6 children who received their
Confirmation this Saturday at St. Kevin’s. We were proud to see them participate with respect and reverence. God Bless them and their sponsors.
Sacramental Events and Dates
Dear Parents/Guardians/Caregivers,
Please take note of the important dates for our Sacramental celebrations that will take place throughout the school year. Sacraments play a significant role in the spiritual journey of our students and we need to ensure that you are well-informed and can actively participate in these meaningful events. Kindly mark the following dates in your calendar:
Event | Date/Time/Venue | Participant Group |
Term 4 | ||
Reconciliation Commitment and Enrolment Mass | Tuesday 8th October 6.30pm - Registration 7.00pm - Mass St. Kevin’s Church | St. Kevin’s and St. Francis de Sales Year 2 |
Reconciliation Information Night | Tuesday 15th October 7 pm - 8 pm St. Kevin’s School Hall | St. Kevin’s and St. Francis de Sales Year 2 |
Sacrament of Reconciliation | Tuesday 19th November 7pm St. Kevin’s Church | St. Kevin’s and St. Francis de Sales Year 2 |
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Sacramental Program, celebrations or preparation process, please feel free to contact the School's Religious Education leader.
Thank you for your continued partnership in the spiritual formation of our students. We look forward to celebrating these sacred moments with you and your families as a parish community.
May God's blessings be with you and your loved ones.
Sacrament Levy
There is a $25 Sacrament Levy to cover the cost of stoles.
- This levy needs to be paid in full to the school in an envelope clearly indicating your child’s name, Home Group and name of Sacrament being received.
God Bless
Rozeta Ambrose
Religious Education Leader
Please look through your toys, books, clothes at home. Is there something you no longer need but is still in good condition that you would like to donate? Please bring them to school and place in your House basket in your Learning Space. Not only will your items have a second life, but they will also be helping those less fortunate. And you will get House points that go towards the Community Spirit Award.
The results so far:
155 | 133 | 61 | 25 |
Points this week include points given to students by staff, donations to the 2nd Chance Appeal and points given to the Grade 6 students who have volunteered to assist with the Junior Footy Fun Day.
The results so far are:
1st | Teresa | 5 631 |
2nd | Patrick | 5 584 |
3rd | Bosco | 5 273 |
4th | MacKillop | 5 236 |
Well done Teresa but the other Houses are close! Remember we have all of this term and next so one of the other houses may take the lead. And don’t forget any donations to the 2nd Chance Appeal will also go towards House points.
Giuliana & SFS Mini Vinnies