From the Principal

Congratulations to our students from St Francis de Sales and the parish who received the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday 7th September 2024. The children were confirmed by Bishop Tony Ireland at St Kevin's Church Hampton Park. We wish each candidate all God's blessings. May the love of God light up their life and spread to the ends of the earth by their words and actions.
A big thanks to the parents for preparing their child for Confirmation and to God-parents for sharing this special journey and important role in the child's life. Special thanks to Fr Fabian for his work in running information, formation days and an extra special retreat day along with our staff for our children. I would also like to thank our senior staff for their daily work as teachers and their help and support of the Sacramental program. Our gratitude in particular to Rozeta our Religious Education Leader for her coordination and guidance to ensure every detail was well coordinated and the day was a success.
Funeral Notice
The funeral for Michael Levy, the father of Gabriel (Gr 6 in TP), Boyd (Gr 4 in RE) and Lesina (Gr 2 in ND) and little baby Sarah will be held on Monday 16th September at St Kevin's Church at 10:30 am. Out thoughts and prayers to Tifiga, the children and all the Levy family at this sad time. RIP Michael. There will be a prayer service at St Francis de Sales in early Term 4 involving the children and their Home Groups.
Preparing for 2025
We have commenced the process of making arrangements for 2025, which also includes budgeting and staffing. It is important that if your child is not returning in 2025 that you notify the school in writing. We encourage you to do this now or as soon as possible.
Enter to WIN a $100 Village or Hoyts Movie Gift Card!! MACSSIS 2024 survey invitation has been emailed to all our families this week. Your feedback is valuable to our school improvement plans.
Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS) are conducted annually for schools in the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne. This year’s MACSSIS window is from Monday 2 September to Friday 20 September 2024.
When you complete the survey screen shot the last page that says completed and email it to or print and sent it via your child.
Entries for the raffle close on Friday 24 September at 11am.
The winner will be drawn before school closes for the September school holidays.
This data tells us about what different people in a school community think and feel about their learning environment. We encourage our families to participate in this confidential feedback. As a school we evaluate and adjust and change our plans informed by data we gather. MACSSIS data is a key source on information that informs our school improvement and our 2025 Annual Action plans.
Parent Teacher Interviews - BOOK NOW!
Olympic Closing Ceremony
On Monday 9 September our entire school gathered in the hall for an Olympic Closing ceremony of our own. The whole school participated in various parts of the ritual. The Olympic flag was taken down by our seniors and handed to our juniors who will be seniors when the next Olympic games occur in four years in Los Angeles. The choir sang and the entire school were up singing and dancing as well. It was great to recall the Olympic champions we admire and who remind us that with dedication and perseverance goals can be achieved. We also watched the final minute of our very own champion, Andi's recent cross country National race in Yarra Valley. Andi was neck and neck all the way. It was not an easy victory, Andi was challenged and was coming second. However at the last 10 seconds Andi's final surge lead to Victory. The win was another example that dedication, courage and perseverance can lead to success.
Over the last month since the Opening of the Olympic Games on the 26th Juy our children have participated in Olmpic games and activities in their sports teams in each space. Points have been tallied and we were delighted to announce the Gold medal, the inaugral Olympic Trophy was won by BOSCO!!!! Congratulations Bosco with their first trophy win!!
Presentation to our Class of 2024
At our extra special assembly on Monday 9th September, our Year 6 students were presented with a special badge. The Parents and Friends Committee have supported the introduction of these inaugural badges that we are trialing for the first time at St Francis de Sales. Our thanks to the P&F for their financial support for this project. Thanks to Guiliana and the Leadership team for the process of design approval and to the Advisory Council for their approval of this initiative.The Year 6's are very proud to wear this special badge and memento of their final year at Primary School.
Cars - Before and After School
- A reminder to parents that the car park in the school grounds is ONLY for staff use. if you have a meeting with a teacher before school please do not park in the staff car park.
- Parking in the school grounds is not permitted before school to drop children off and enter the school for any reason.
We are lucky to have ample street parking.
We just have enough parking places for our staff.
The Drop off Zone is just a Kiss and Go Zone.
Parents are asked NOT to get out of the car so that the traffic can move and children can be safely dropped or picked up without unnecessary delay.
Do not angle park or STOP beside the rainbow playground. Do not leave large gaps between cars. Children need to be ready to get out off the car. A 2 minute time should be ample. Children need to get out wherever the car stops in the Drop Off, please do not just stop and get out close to an entrance or gate.
Please do not hold up the traffic. It is important that the Drop Off and Pick Up zone flows to accommodate all cars and enable safe movement of students and cars.
Parent parking is only available in the Drop Off Zone between 9:30 am to 2:30 pm or before 8am and after 4pm.
Parents leaving the school grounds or entering the school grounds must always turn left during Drop Off and Pick up times.
Right turns are NOT allowed into the carpark or when leaving the Car park.
Have a great weekend.
Christine White