Library News

Library News Term 3 2024
Kalinda Library Poetry & Storywriting Competition
The theme for this year’s Poetry & Story-writing competition was “Reading is Magic” - and our year 3 to year 6 students certainly brought the magic to their entries! Congratulations to all students who entered; your writing will be published in our annual Kalinda Library Anthology next year, and will be available to purchase by parents soon after!
Our winners this year were:
Grade 3: Alice N
Grade 4: Anjali G and Lachie H
Grade 5: Helaina W
Grade 6: Pippi T
Thank you - ‘Book Drive’
A huge THANK YOU to families for the donation of books during our Book Drive. All donated books will be going into our library or classroom libraries as soon as they can be processed, and will be much-read and undoubtedly much-loved!
MS Readathon
This August, we're aiming to read 1000 books as a school with the MS Readathon. That's just over two books per student! Join us in reading to raise money for individuals and families living with Multiple Sclerosis by signing the kids (or even the grownups!) up to our school MS Readathon fundraising page.
Here's how your family can join:
- Go to
- Select either 'My child to read' or 'My children to read'
- Select 'New Family' or 'Returning Family'
- Enter your details, and your child's details. In the box 'School (Optional)', choose Kalinda Primary School 2024 Ringwood Vic
- Start reading! There's no pressure to raise a fortune - every single cent helps people with MS and their families.
Reading is Magic - Book Week 2024!
Kalinda is celebrating Book Week from August 26th - 30th. We have so many great activities happening in the library and around the school!
- The annual Book Parade on Thursday August 29th! Dress up as your favourite book character and share your love of reading with the whole school.
- CBCA Book of the Year winners announced! Classes will be reading these books throughout the term, with the winners announced during Book Week.
- The Book Week performance on August 29th! A wonderful way to celebrate books, by seeing one of the shortlisted books performed for students and staff.
- Competitions!
- Match the teacher with their favourite book! Think you know what your teacher likes to read? Test yourself with our staff/book matching competition.
- Library class competition - each week, our classes are asked to explore the library to answer a tricky question. The class with the most correct answers at the end of the term will win a prize!
Scholastic Book Club dates 2024
(subject to change)
26th October
1st December
Martina Medica,
Kalinda Library