Around the School

This term, students in 5J embarked on an exciting journey through our Solar System. With curiosity as their guide, they dove deep into the mysteries of space, learning about the planets and the incredible technology that has brought the wonders of the universe closer to home.
Discovering the Planets
Our unit began with an exploration of the Solar System, where students focused on understanding the characteristics and uniqueness of each planet. They engaged in thorough research, gathering information from various sources to compile into a comprehensive solar system flip book. This creative project allowed students to organize their findings in a fun and interactive way, deepening their understanding of the vastness and diversity of our cosmic neighbourhood.
Comparing Earth with Other Worlds
Building on their knowledge, students then took on the challenge of comparing Earth with another planet of their choice. Using the information from their flip books, they created PowerPoint presentations that highlighted the similarities and differences between our home planet and the chosen celestial body. This project not only enhanced their research and presentation skills but also sparked meaningful discussions about what makes Earth such a unique and special place in our Solar System.
The Impact of Space Exploration
In the second part of the unit, we shifted our focus to the impact of space exploration on life here on Earth. Students explored how advancements in space technology have led to innovations that benefit us all. From GPS systems to advancements in medical technology, they discovered the ways in which exploring the cosmos has improved our daily lives and opened up new possibilities for the future.
A Term of Discovery and Inspiration
Our Solar System unit has been an incredible journey of discovery and learning. The students have not only gained a deeper understanding of the planets and space exploration but have also developed essential skills in research, critical thinking, and presentation. This term's work has truly ignited a passion for science and curiosity about the universe, which we hope will continue to inspire them in the years to come.
This term, 2LM have been exploring changes in technology over time. We have learnt that technology is anything that makes our lives easier. This could be something as simple as a pencil not just a device! Recently we visited the Customs House to see how technology has changed from the past.
Book Week saw lots of interesting characters in the 2LM classroom!
This week, we ventured to the Pool and the Town Park to look for inspiration to write a persuasive speech for our English assessment.
We have been busy designing and making ‘Tiny Worlds’ for Art. We helped each other measure the ingredients we needed to make salt dough. We used the salt dough to build items for our tiny worlds and then we painted them. We also reached our class goal of 200 dots and had a PJ party with Mrs Caitlin. Spencer and Brayden have been performing some music for us.
Have a great holiday
From Frankie and Spencer
Class Captains
Monday 19th August was International Aviation Day, so to link in with our learning about NASA's role in space exploration, we took on the NASA challenge of building a paper plane that flew 30m!
We tested our original paper plane designs, and the best one flew around 7m. Most planes tended to do loops or fly back in the direction of the 'pilot'.
We then listened to an aeronautical engineer, who gave us tips on how to improve our planes. The tips were tighter folds to reduce drag, a paper clip or sticky tape at the nose to help keep the nose down instead of going up and stalling, and lastly, angle the wings up as we threw the plane to produce g lift.
Our second attempts were mixed but most planes flew further than the first attempt. This time one of our planes flew 13m. We were a little shy of the 30m mark, but we had fun learning about the principles of flight.