Educational Achievement

To support the new Reading commitment by Education QLD, the Department have created an information session for parents to view, to support beginning reading at home. Along with the 16 minute video, a reading poster is also attached, to use to quickly refer back to when supporting your child with reading.
The Macintyre Young Writer's competition is an annual creative writing comp for young people and adults in our community. Students from year 1 are encouraged to create a piece of creative writing- it could be a story or a poem, and enter the competition. Some classes will submit entries on the students' behalf, however, each student is able to submit 2 entries. There are cash prizes up for grabs! Some students in our school have been fortunate enough to attend writing workshops and presentations with published authors, and this could be used for inspiration for their writing.
To enter a piece of writing, students must submit their completed writing piece along with their draft to their teacher by THIS FRIDAY!
Instrumental Music
I would like to congratulate all Instrumental Music students on their efforts participating in the Goondiwindi Apex Eisteddfod in August. It was wonderful seeing all students on stage from year 3 to 6 proudly performing in their various ensembles, despite a few nerves here and there. The Concert Band and String Orchestra also recently performed at assembly to showcase their talents to their peers and teachers.
We have commenced learning new pieces in preparation for our end of year Music Showcase in week 9 of term 4. Information about this will be provided closer to the date. Keep up the practice!
Samantha Brown
Classroom Music
We have a wonderful group of professional musicians performing an interactive concert for us tomorrow. It is facilitated by Musica Viva Australia and our very own Music Sub-Committee. The tickets are $5 per student and are available on the Qkr app or at the school office. This is a once a year opportunity for our students to participate in and listen to music of this standard in a 'live' performance. The students have been listening to some of the music during music lessons this past week or two.
Choir News!
We are recruiting new members! Students already participating in both choirs can certainly keep coming along and we have invited other students who would like to sing with us to join in as well. We will have performances at the November music concert and a couple of other opportunities as well to show everyone our new songs. I will be away next week for rehearsals but will pop in in Week 10 for a final rehearsal this term. Thank you!