News from our Principal..

...Mrs Clarke...
A reminder to parents and carers that were unable to attend the recent Parent Teacher Interviews to contact the class teacher to make another mutually agreeable time. These discussions are a great opportunity to discuss your child's progress and areas of strength, but also to discuss areas that extra support may be needed.
Please take note today of some changes to our End of Year Event dates, this is due to Term 4 being 11 weeks this year.
If you are an existing parent of our school and you have an age eligible child enrolling in Prep next year, it’s essential that you collect, complete and return your enrolment forms NOW.
PCYC will be commencing Before School Care from Term 4, please refer to information in today's Newslink to contact the coordinator about enrolling. Reminder children are not permitted at school before 8.30am (with the exception of bus students).
Happy Holidays to all our families.
QParents App
Are you registered for the QParents App?
Once registered with QParents, you will be able to;
- Sign-in securely - All information is always kept private and only visible to those you choose.
- Provide consent - Respond to requests for consent for things like excursions, photos etc.
- Make payments online - Make payments and view all your invoices in one place.
- View academic reports - View and download all report cards.
- Inform attendance - Let the school know about any absences from school.
- See upcoming events - Never miss a date - see all upcoming school events.
- Check timetables - Know what learning is scheduled each day.
- Access enrolment history - See historical enrolment details.
- Update details- Easily update parent and student details such as contact and medical information from wherever you are at any time.
- If you require assistance with registering, please feel free to drop into the office with the required documentation and our lovely office ladies will happily assist you.
School Priorities 2024: Equity and Excellence
Educational Achievement, Engagement & Wellbeing, Culture and Inclusion
Attendance 92% or above
95% of students will receive a C or above in English
Consistent approach to the teaching of Reading by all teachers