In Year 10 Creative Writing, we have been exploring poetry, particularly as a form of performance and expression, ideally unmoored from immediate, easily defined meaning. We have looked at sound poetry, SLAM, performance poetry, surrealism, and postmodern works, all with a focus on sound over sense.
For their assessment, students had to perform and then explain their work to their peers. The poetry was of an exceptionally high standard - weird, intimate, powerful, and imaginative.
Dr David Dick
Creative Writing Teacher
Here are some very, very brief excerpts from their writing.
The couch that was shared,
Until it was torn into chairs.
Roman Rossi-Dunn, Year 10
But no walks walks the roads,
Ignorant of iridescent stars that illuminate the sky
Allegra Nicola, Year 10
Planets turning in a rhythm I can’t feel
Light flickers in the darkness
Angelica Kutiepova, Year 10
Was it a dream, or a backward blink?
Time unravels like thread from a sweater no one’s wearing
Angelina Kaminsky, Year 10
Brightly-patterned chudidhars
Accentuating gemstone bindis
Softly fitted leggings
Madhuvanthi Krishnamurthy, Year 10
Unknowing of each other’s tongue
We, sat
We, played
The shattering, fracturing of transpicuous shards
Avani Kulkarni, Year 10
My stache
It’s short in stature
But he’s still there!
He’s my peach fuzz, my bum-fluff, my crumb catcher, my fuzzy caterpillar, my lip sweater, my nose bug, my soup-strainer.
And leave him along!
Lucas Radford, Year 10
Emotionlessly, empathetic, of the Nemesis system
Emparting on myself of my own selfish wisdom
Xavier Madeira, Year 10
The serendipitous nebula galvanizes an ethereal labyrinth
As vibrant Chimeras effortlessly illuminate echoes
Owen Lewis, Year 10
It’s nearly silent,
The rain outside slow down leaving the ground wet with reflective puddles
Dr Dick drinks
Corner boy still eyes stuck to his screen
Tara Geehman, Year 10
Glamour peels like old paint, slipping bones beneath sequins
Pin-up smiles stretched thin, their edges curling like smoke
Promises, brittle as celluloid, crumble in backroom callings
Mia McMahon, Year 10
She won’t be the quiet girl in the corner,
She won’t let fear dictate her story,
Because every spittle of hate just fuels her fire
Leah Cohen, Year 10
Confetti during the concert end
Nostalgic memories of your youth,
Freshly shaved legs in bed sheets,
Sweet treats satisfying a sweet tooth
Monique Fleming, Year 10
The memories alive in the leaves falling quickly and forgotten in a glimpse
Frost fills the air
Shelley Gordon, Year 10
Whose establishments are discolored, oxidized and unpracticed by fabrication
Whose poverty, and fragments seek charity for infringement, a once providential town is now run by paraphernalia
Stella Peacock, Year 10
Sweet 16 isn’t all that sweet as girls were raised to believe. Who knew it contained awakened nights staring at the ceiling trying to put the puzzle pieces of your future together.
Violet Loquet, Year 10