Over three days at the start of term four (Monday 21, Wednesday 23 and Friday 25 October) the Year 7s went to the Melbourne Zoo. We met up before school started and were at the zoo by 10am.
Our day began with getting the rolls checked and creating our groups of 3 to 6 people, then we were off. We made our way through the Zoo, searching for the answers on the booklet we were given.
Over the course of the day, we looked at many enclosures and got lots of stunning photos of a variety of animals that included lions, dingoes, snow leopards, giraffes, turtles, snakes, lizards, birds, Tasmanian devils and meerkats. We loved seeing all the animals and learning new things about their habitat & characteristics. While looking at the animals we completed a booklet, about observations of various species and completed a reflection.
We met up with the teachers twice, the first time to have lunch and the second time to leave at 2:00pm. Overall we had an amazing day and highly recommended it to the Year 7s next year!
Mila Feather & Erina Ibrisimovic, Year 7
In Week 3 of Term Four, Year 7 went on a science excursion to the Melbourne Zoo. Our day began with a bus ride, before arriving at the charming menagerie. After a few instructions from our teachers, we split off into different directions with our friends to enjoy everything that the Melbourne Zoo had to offer. Highlights of the trip included snapping dozens of photos of the gorgeous animals, hanging out on the bus, and enjoying spending time with our class and other classes in a non-school environment.
One of our favourite enclosures was the meerkat exhibit; their adorable small and furry bodies captivated us - we just couldn’t look away! Disregarding the fact that we were getting a little worn out, we could have aimlessly wandered around the beautifully crafted exhibits for days on end, yet we had a job to do.
Our task was to document the behaviours of a chosen animal, after going on a scavenger hunt to put our heads together and figure out the answers to the questions. Needless to say, we had an enjoyable time, and I would rate my experience a ten out of ten!
Riham Russel & Etaash Jha, Year 7