On Monday 11 November, Remembrance Day, two teams of our wonderful Years 9 and 10 History students organised and conducted memorial ceremonies to mark the day of national significance.
Speaking from the heart, the students shared stories and experiences of those who have been touched by the hands of war and conveyed the sense of gratitude and respect that we, as a nation, feel towards them.
Each year level attended their own ceremony on the morning, either in the Gym at East Campus, or out on ‘the Green’ at McKinnon Road Campus. We are proud to continue the tradition of remembrance at McKinnon and to allow our students the opportunity to demonstrate their gratitude and to pay respect to those who have sacrificed so much to ensure our safety and prosperity. We were very proud of the mood and the attitude demonstrated by our students as their respective ceremony.
Thank you to our wonderful students who planned and conducted the ceremonies and to the following members of our humanities faculty for their mentorship.
Jessica Tran, Year 9
Jeremy Erdstein, Year 9
Charmaine Lee, Year 9
James Polites, Year 9
Tehila Levy, Year 9
Piers Jansen, Teacher
Ash Jansen, Teacher
Raphael Milmeister, Year 10
Harley Karro, Year 10
Anthe Limogiannis, Year 10
Lamija Buturovic, Year 10
Keren Schauder, Year 10
Sophie Yu, Year 10
Clare Cocciardi, Teacher
Nesrene Barakat, Teacher
Joshua Cukierman
Head of Humanities
In late October, Year 9 History students had the opportunity to visit the National Gallery of Victoria and Shrine of Remembrance. It was a one-of-a-kind experience for all the students who participated in this excursion!
As the day dawned upon us, we were shown numerous artworks that portrayed life during the Arrival of the First Fleet and its impact on modern Australia in the National Gallery of Victoria. This was a delightful moment as students were escorted by the friendly tour guides around the gallery. Students brainstormed and were asked to analyse these sources, which was slightly challenging but fun.
We viewed both Indigenous and non-Indigenous perspectives on the early development of Australia. This visit was a great way to sign off on the topic of the history of Australia.
Moving on, we visited one of Melbourne’s most significant attractions - the Shrine of Remembrance. There, we learnt about the history of World War I, a great start to our new topic! Similar to the National Gallery of Victoria, the Shrine of Remembrance staff accompanied and described the foundations of the Shrine and their overall meaning. The atmosphere of the Shrine made it such a prominent structure. It was fascinating to learn about the perspective of Australia in World War I!
Mirroring this experience, we were thankful for the opportunity of learning more of Australia’s rich history and understanding these topics in depth. We would like to thank Miss Arneil and the History teachers for managing such an unforgettable excursion!
Skyler Chong, Jinia Ganguly & Krishnii Joshi
Year 9 Students