Whats Happening In Preps

Wow what an amazing term for our wonderful Preps! They have experienced so much in such a short time. They are amazing young people who accept every challenge given to them and then exceed all our expectations.  


Our First 100 Days of School

During this term the Preps experienced their 1st 100 days of school. This is an amazing milestone for students in their first year of school. We celebrated the day with lots of special activities and the students enjoyed dressing up for the occasion. Some students dressed up as centenarians.


Our First Book Week Dress Up Parade

Book Week was an exciting time for the Prep students they were able to talk about their favourite book characters and dress up for the fun filled ‘Book Week Parade’ and also have the opportunity to purchase some new books to add to their collection.


Oral Language

Enables students to expand their vocabulary through activities designed to encourage conversation between the students and support staff. 



 We have been learning lots about letters and sounds and how we put them together to make words. The Prep students enjoy reading with their teacher and peers during Guided Reading Groups. Where they have become reading champions.



This term the Prep students have been working very hard to achieve their personal writing goals. They have also been learning how to write a recount text. We started with shared writing then moved to guided writing and we are very proud to say the preps are now having a go at writing recount texts independently.  



This term the Prep students have been learning all about numbers to 20. They can name and make numbers with materials. Also identify the number before and after a given number and they are now learning about adding and subtracting numbers.


Buzz Awards

A very exciting part of our week is on a Wednesday afternoon when the students get to count their Buzz Awards and when they have received 10 awards for displaying our school values of learning, respect, resilience, and teamwork they get to spin the wheel and collect a reward for doing an amazing job of being a ‘Global Citizen’ at Mackellar Primary School.


We hope you have enjoyed hearing about all the wonderful things our amazing Preps have achieved so far this year.



Prep Teachers