Word Wizards, Maths Masters and Double Points for Home Reading!
To celebrate Literacy and Numeracy Week, during Week 8 we will be sending home daily Word Wizard and Maths Masters tasks. These are optional tasks that can be completed at home. Any student that completes these tasks can hand it to the office or their classroom teacher by recess. A winner will be drawn each day and will receive a certificate and small prize.
Throughout Week 8, students will receive double points when they do their home reading. This will mean each night of reading will actually count as two nights!
On Wednesday 4th September we are having an optional dress up day. Information has been posted to Compass about this. Students can be inspired by their favourite book, character or math master. If students prefer not to dress up, they can wear regular casual clothes. On Wednesday we will be doing some special Literacy and Numeracy activities with a buddy class between 9-11am.
Thanks for your support and enthusiasm,
The Literacy and Numeracy Team