Specialist Classes

Science Update!

Grade 4’s have been learning about plants and their life cycles. Students identified Eucalyptus trees in the school yard and collected seeds which they planted under control and test conditions. How do seeds grow if their conditions are affected by lack of light, lack of water, too much water, poor soil and bushfires.

Grade 5’s have been learning about evolution and adaptions. They had fun exploring human evolution and how much easier our opposable thumbs make life; students undertook activities like writing and tying shoe laces without thumbs.  Students are now investigating animal adaptations. They used tools such as pliers, straws, tweezers and scissors as ‘beaks’ and tried different activities like getting ‘fish’ out of water, ‘worms’ out of dirt, picking up and cracking open seeds and attempting to get honey out of test tubes to gain an understanding of how birds have adapted based on their habitat and the food that is available to them. Students have been researching and teaching each other how the Echidna, Frill Neck Lizard and the Camel have adapted to the Australian outback environment. 


Grade 6’s are focusing on microorganisms, and are understanding what conditions fungi (yeast) thrives in, and why it is used in the production of bread. 


Students have undertaken an investigation about the conditions mould best grows in and were able to see the mould growth through the microscopes. 


ENPS Performing Arts News

Year 2 – Year 4 Choir is back!

Choir will be back next Monday 26th August at lunchtimes in the Performing Arts room. New members welcome!

We will be working towards performances in Term 4.

Please come along! 


Miss Beamont

Junior Performing Arts Teacher

Physical Education

Regional Mixed Netball


This was held on August 20th at Diamond Valley Sports Centre.


The team had three amazing wins: 22-7 vs Coburg West, 19-7 vs Killara and 15-11 vs Preston.


Unfortunately, a loss in the grand final vs St Martin 13-17 means the team won’t qualify for State Finals later this year. However, they should all be super proud of themselves after being undefeated since the start term 2 Interschool Sport. The team has learnt so much across the journey as very few of them had ever played netball before this. 


A big thank you to the parents who assisted in driving, scoring, and supporting.


ISS Fixture   - Playing against Eltham East                



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