Year 6 Newsletter

Dear Year 6 Parents,


What a fabulous night last Thursday at our production. Despite a very tiring day with a full rehearsal, and some last minute nerves, our students did a fantastic job. Well done to all!

This week we celebrated Book Day with a parade on Tuesday morning. It was great to see our Year 6’s getting dressed up for their final Book Day. Year 6 teachers spent the day as prisoners from Camp Green Lake - characters from our class novel “Holes”.

Conversation topics for you at home;


Writing: Australian Geographical Features.

We finished off our writing pieces this week with some impressive creativity, indepth research and information displayed in these report posters. It’s been a pleasure to learn all about these wonderful landmarks from the students. We now switch to news reports and our classrooms will soon be turned into newsrooms!


Reading: In Reading Groups this week we have been paying close attention to editing and punctuating work samples. It is a good opportunity to read through writing pieces and analyse how punctuation helps to make writing flow, and just how much it can impact when it is missing. 


Maths: This week has been about integers. Our learning intention has been to Solve addition and subtraction of negative and positive integers, with links to real-world scenarios. 


INQUIRY: This week we presented our Part 1 of the Inquiry Homework task. The work done on this has been very impressive and we now look forward to our end of term Country Expo. This is part 2 of the task where students will present an exhibition of their chosen country.


Interschool Sport:  AWAY Game v’s Eltham East PS. 



Important Dates in Term 3

Monday August 26th- Father’s Day Stall

Whole school photo - Tuesday 3rd September

Footy Day - Wednesday 11th September


Important dates in Term 4

Term 4 begins Monday 7th October

October 29 - Solar Science Incursion

Monday 4th November - pupil free day

Tuesday November 5th – Cup Day

December 3/4 - Life Ed: Sexual Health Program

Tuesday December 10th – Year 7 orientation day

Monday December 16th – Graduation

Wednesday December 18th- Survivor Day

Thursday December 19th – Big Day Out

Friday December 20th- Last day of the year

We will provide more detailed information about each event closer to the respective dates. 


Have a lovely weekend!

Year 6 Teachers