Year 1  Newsletter


What a week, celebrating Book Week! 

We loved seeing all our students in their gorgeous Book Week costumes. The Parade was a highlight along with the special appearance of 3 ‘Thelma the Unicorns’!


LLLL: OO 2nd sound 3rd sound of u and (oul) along with revision of ALL the codes we have learnt in our 7.3 LLLL unit.


READING: Looking for codes that we have learnt that make the same sound but are represented differentlysuch as oo, ou and ur, er, ir.


WRITING: Storyboard planning for our narratives. This weeks focus has been complication and resolution.


MATHS: Data & Graphing, Capacity & Mass


INQUIRY: Natural Features of Places



  • Mon 26/8 Fathers DayStall
  • 2nd-13th September-Special Places Task
  • Footy Week-More info to come
  • 20/9-Last Day Term 3


Our Special Places tasks are due week 8 &9 (2nd-13th ofSeptember)