What's Happening In Primary

News and Information from Primary

Book Week

Thank you to the whole DCS community for a spectacular Book Week Assembly. It was an incredibly fun morning being able to celebrate together the wonder of literature. The creativity behind the costumes and the thought that went into selecting each character was something to behold.


Student reflections on the Book Week Assembly:


Kinder C:

I loved dressing up as Billie B Brown - Imogen


Everyone used unique costumes - David

I loved dressing up as Wednesday Addams - Indiana-Rose

Year 1/2:

It was the best book week parade we've ever had. We liked being up on the stage with our class - Emiyah and Sophia

Year 3/4:

It was fun dressing up and seeing other people enjoying themselves. People were feeling good about dressing up and having a good time. Their costumes brought them joy. It was a great opportunity to accomplish getting up on the stage if that is something that scared you - Eva, Grace, Jade and Taylah

Year 5/6:

I loved getting to see all the costumes. The dinglehopper (fork from The Little Mermaid) was my favourite - Joshua

It was great to see all the people at the parade. There was so many creative costumes. I think people really upped their game this year -  Hudson and Max K

I would describe it as chaotic fun - Ruby B

Character First - Creativity

During the Monday Assembly this week we introduced the new character trait, Creativity. Character First defines Creativity as "thinking about a situation, a task, or an idea in a new way". Throughout the last half of term we will be focusing on the below 'I will' statements that help us apply creativity in every day situations. 


The 5 'I Will' statements are:

  • I will use my talents for good.
  • I will see things from more than one perspective.
  • I will use principles to make decisions and solve problems.
  • I will learn all I can.
  • I will look for new ways to do things.

In addition to the presentations and lessons that we have at school around punctuality, you may also want to discuss this character trait at home. Here are some discussions starters that you could use with your children:

  • What does it mean to make a decision based on your principles?
  • How are you going to practice creativity today?
  • What is a good way to remind yourself to take a step back from a situation and find a new perspective?

Premier's Reading Challenge

The 2024 Premier's Reading Challenge has concluded for 2024.  Please return all completed log books to the school office by this Friday 30th August.


Congratulations to everyone who has already completed and returned their log books.

Book Fair

A friendly reminder to please return all completed Book Fair Wish Lists to school (with payment) by this Friday 30th August. Parents are invited to look at the lists, decide which items, if any, you would like to purchase (please note there is no obligation to buy), and return completed wish lists.


There are 3 ways to pay; online, EFTPOS or cash.   Please note, all wish lists need to be returned so that we can give each child the correct order. If paying for books online, please ensure you enter the Book Fair site and not the Book Club site.  Books will be ordered once all the wish lists are returned and will be handed out to students so they all receive them at the same time—this usually takes about 3 weeks.


Mrs G, Library Technician.

Father's Day Stalls

DCS Community will be holding their annual Father’s Day stalls on Wednesday 28th and Thursday 29th August.


Students will have an opportunity to purchase an amazing gift for Dad or a loved one.


Please see above for the days each year level will be able to purchase items.


Items will range in price from $1-$10 

Creative Arts Afternoon

You're invited to our Primary Creative Arts Afternoon on Thursday 29th August between 3.30-4.30pm in the Jiloa Centre.


This will be a wonderful afternoon celebrating the creativity of our primary students. There will be students playing musical instruments that they have been learning and all the art competition entries will be on display, as well as a display of some of this year’s primary artwork.   Stay for a short time or the whole hour. We look forward to showcasing our students' varied talents.


Electrical Safety Week

Celebrating Students

Each week at our Friday assembly we love to celebrate our students. We would love to hear from you if your child has achieved something significant over the weekend during sporting events, dancing, baptisms, theatre, music achievements etc. 


Please email one of the following DCS Team Members with the details (we would love a photo too!):

Corina Barnard: reception@dcs.tas.edu.au

Ema-Lee De Haan: dehaane@dcs.tas.edu.au

Tom Evans: evanst@dcs.tas.edu.au  

Upcoming Events:

Thur 29th Aug9.00amDCS Community Father's Day Stall
 3.30pmPrimary Creative Arts Afternoon
Fri 30th Aug8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer - The Upper Room
Mon 2nd Sept8.30amPrimary Assembly
Tue 3rd Sept9.00amKinder 2025 Orientation-Session 1
Wed 4th Sept8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 8.30amYear 5/6 Excursion: Don Heads
 8.45amDCS Community Catch Up
Fri 6th Sept8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer - The Upper Room
Mon 9th Sept8.30amPrimary Assembly
Tue 10th Sept9.00amKinder 2025 Orientation-Session 2
Wed 11th Sept8.30amWorship Wednesday (Primary)
 8.30amYear 5/6 Excursion: Tasmania Zoo
 9.00amDCS Community Meeting
Fri 13th Sept8.30amPrimary Assembly
 2.30pmDCS Community Prayer - The Upper Room

Term Dates

Term 3:

Thursday 25th July - Thursday 26th September


Term 4:

Tuesday 15th October - Tuesday 10th December