Music News

Ryde Eisteddfod - Thursday 15th August
The Roselea Concert, Junior and Training Bands will be taking part in the Ryde Eisteddfod at Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club. Please ensure you have filled in the permission note on Schoolbytes asap.
Students must wear full band uniform - black pants, black shoes and RPS Band shirt (plain black t-shirt if band t-shirt is unavailable), and bring food and a water bottle.
Festival of Bands - Tuesday 27th August
We are very excited for one of our best Band events on the calendar. This is a wonderful opportunity for our Roselea Bands to join together and play with the more experienced bands at Carlingford High School. The day consists of a whole-day workshop with Carlingford HS bands and Roselea’s CB & JB, with TB joining in the massed Band rehearsal around lunchtime, followed by the evening performance held at Carlingford HS with ALL bands performing. Please look out for the permission note coming from school.
Parent Helpers Needed: We are still looking for more volunteers to help with this event. Please sign up using the sign up roster to get involved.
Entry and Raffle Tickets are now on sale. Pre-order your pizzas for the night as well! Band students do not need to purchase a ticket.
Raffle Donations: The Band Committee would love your help with donations for our fundraising raffle. The following items will be gratefully accepted: chocolates, beverages, vouchers, pamper items, entertainment (Movies / iTunes / Store gift cards). Thank you in advance for your generous donations!! Donations can be handed in at band rehearsal or to the school office.
Roselea Band Committee