Classroom Reports

F/1A - Foundation and Year 1A
Wow! What a busy past week we have had. We have had lots to write about after the school athletics day in Charlton and then our own mini-Olympic day. Thanks to Mr Forrest for organising this.
We have been enjoying listening to the Mr Men series of books and thought we all could be called Mr Strong or Mr Tired after last week. Our stories on Mrs Messy and Mr Mischief are becoming very interesting as children learn the structure of narrative writing.
Book Week activities along with the conclusion of the Reading Olympics makes for a very full week.
Keep reading each night!
Mrs Chalmers, Classroom Teacher
F/1B - Foundation and Year 1B
Hello Parents/ Caregivers and Community Members
It’s a neck and neck race in the Reading Olympics. Please continue to listen to your child read at home and log those minutes. Thank you.
We had a great time on Thursday at Charlton for the Calder Sports. The students enjoyed the day and participated well in all events, showing great sportsmanship.
In literacy we have been working on constructing our own sentences. Remembering to have a capital at the beginning and a full stop at the end. We have then also been publishing them on our Chromebooks.
We have learnt the sounds y, v and x as well as tricky words put and like. Remember to keep practising them at home
The students have also had fun taking home our class cats, Ninja and Stripes and taking them on adventures. I’m not sure if it is the parents or the students who are having the most fun.
Our Inquiry focus has been the weather. We have been keeping a table to record the daily weather and what sort of colours and clothes are appropriate for different types of weather.
In Maths we have been learning about repeated addition. This has been a challenge but we are getting there.
Dates to Remember:
Tuesday August 20th -Reading Olympics Winner Announcement
-Book Character Dress Up Day
Wednesday August 21st -Book Week Activity Rotations
Friday August 23rd is Curriculum Day - No students required at school
Thanks for all your support.
Have a great day.
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 2
This week our official Reading Olympics has its finale.
It’s been fabulous to see many students challenging themselves to increase their reading time. It has been so good that we have decided to keep recording reading minutes even after the official Reading Olympics finishes. Some home reading has dropped off a bit. Consistent reading practice is so important for literacy development, so it would be great to see every student completing and recording their home reading.
As you know, we have been exploring old and new technology in Inquiry. Last week we were focusing on food/cooking technologies and the class worked together to make butter! As we didn’t have a butter churn handy, we used the shaking method (taking turns to shake our cream for 2 mins stretches). After 12 minutes we could see that the sticky fats had stuck together to create butter. We also noticed an in-between stage where the cream became thicker, but wasn’t fully butter yet. Additionally, we were able to check out some old gaming technology when Patrick brought in a Game Boy for show and tell!
In Maths we are currently learning about divisions and how it is related to multiplication. We are also learning that there are different kinds of division: one where we know how many people are sharing and are working out how many items each gets (partitive) and another where we know how many items are in each equal group and are working out how many groups can be made (quotative). Lately, we have been working out how many vases are needed to create different equally-sized flower arrangements.
Last week also included the Calder Athletics and the Mini-Olympics. It was great to see Wedderburn students being such good sports with the other school students.
We hope everyone is enjoying the slowly warming weather.
Ms Young and Mrs Wright, Classroom Teachers
Year 4 & 5
We have had another busy two weeks of learning in 4/5!
It was great to see all our athletes last Thursday at Calder Sports, from my spot at the long jump I heard lots of kind words and manners coming from our Wedderburn students. Awesome work! These athletes then came out as Olympians for our dress as an Olympian day on Friday, where lots of team work was shown in our Primary 'mini Olympics'.
In 4/5 we have been lucky to have Miss Lockhart with us for her teaching rounds, she will be here for 5 weeks in total, and has been teaching us great things.
The theme for Book Week is Reading is Magic and the costumes are in 4/5 are magic!
Camp is not far away, just a reminder to fill in the form through the link on Compass for Cottage by the Sea.
Miss Eilish, Classroom Teacher
Year 5 & 6
We have thoroughly enjoyed learning about some of the traditions and customs of the Olympic Games as well as the host country, France. Students actively participated in a range of activities.
Next week we are going to watch 'Runt' at Charlton. Please make sure you provide consent via compass. If you haven't had a chance to complete the documents for Cottage by the Sea can you please do so.
Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teacher
Year 7 2025 Information Evening
Year 9 Duke of Ed
Science Week 2024
Students from all year levels were provided the opportunity to take part in science activities each lunch time last week. The activities allowed students to build machines that run on sustainable energy, identify magnetic materials from the elements, look at objects using stereo microscopes, build marble run structures, fly wind powered helicopters and use interactive magnetic kits. Students were given the freedom to explore and have fun with the activities of their choice. Many students attended throughout the week and it was great to see them engage with the resources we have. A special thanks to Miss Moody, Mr Gretgrix and Lillian Stevenson for helping out with the activities throughout the week.
Mr Merritt. Science Teacher
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Year 10 – Athletics: Technique Analysis
Year 10 students finished their Practical Athletics Unit by filming themselves performing different athletic events and then analysing their technique in an attempt to improve performance. Year 10 students also had the opportunity to use their knowledge to teach our primary PE students with their own athletics technique development.
CALDER ATHLETICS - held in Charlton Thursday 15 August.
After the weather being a little touch and go in the lead up to the Calder Athletics, it turned out to be a lovely day. It was fantastic to see our students interacting with others from other schools, seeing lots of smiles and some healthy competition.
Congratulations to Blake Collins and Nate Turnbull who were two of three students who achieved the infamous 21 points.
Thank you to all staff and parents who came along to help and support.
NCD Athletics Carnival – Charlton
On Friday 16th August, 15 student ventured to Charlton for the North Central District Athletics. Students represented Wedderburn College in events such as shot put, discus, javelin, long jump, triple jump and high jump. As well as this, students also competed in various individual and relay running events throughout the day. Many students finished in the top 3, which was a fantastic achievement against other schools from the region. A big thank you to Mr Fowles, Joany and Carolyn Stephenson for transporting students and assisting with the successful running of the day. Well done to all involved.
Results of note :
- Violet Stephenson – 3rd 100m B
- Noah Winslett – 2nd Long Jump, 3rd High Jump, 2nd Relay
- Tyson Blair – 2nd Relay
- Tate Lovett – 2nd Relay, 3rd Relay
- Jamie Penrose – 2nd Relay, 3rd Relay
- Aiden Wingfield – 3rd Relay
- Ben Cunningham – 2nd 800m, 3rd Relay
- Kayla Cramp – 2nd High Jump, 3rd Shot Put, 3rd 100m, 3rd Long Jump
Emma Milne & Ben Pettifer
Sports Coordinators
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
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