Year 8 Feature

It has been a busy Semester 2 for our Year 8 students as they continue to ‘reach for the stars!’ This term it was lovely to welcome back Ayla Charity! Ayla is transitioning back to school while recovering from her accident - we have all been inspired by her resilience and positive attitude!
In Religion, our students have just started their final unit for the year called ‘The Church Spreads the Good News’ which will see students learn about the formation of the early Christian Church and the role of key individuals such as St Paul. In English, Year 8 students have just completed their film study unit and will begin studying Gothic literature, with a close focus on the play form of ‘Dracula’. They will learn about features of Gothic literature and will have the opportunity to polish off their drama skills and do some performing! In HSIE, the focus of Semester 2 moved to Geography. In term 3 our students have studied the topic ‘Interconnections’, looking at our role in the world as global citizens. They are now studying ‘Water in the World’ and are also learning and refining important mapping and graphical skills. In Science, our Year 8 girls have also been learning about ‘Water’, including the chemistry of water, the water cycle and flood patterns in the Penrith Valley. They will be investigating which products can safely be flushed down the toilet and which cannot. They will then be making a water filter from household items.
In PDHPE, Year 8 students are studying a unit called ‘Celebrating Diversity’ which investigates the benefits of valuing diversity and promoting inclusivity. In their practical lessons they are engaging in a variety of striking games and activities. This term for sport it was Year 8’s chance to select an interest activity. These activities include: walking, sewing, cooking, cheerleading, music and drama! In Creative Arts our Music students will be focussing on Film Music. Our small rock ensembles will be performing rock classics such as: ‘Smoke on the Water’, ‘Seven Nation Army’ and ‘Sweet Home Alabama’. In Visual Arts our students have been working on the development of their clay works based on Australian Native flora in the unit “Secret Garden” these works will be completed with the addition of colour glazes. In TAS, students are either designing and making drawstring bags in Textiles or designing and making CAM toys in Woodwork.
We have had a number of Year 8 students represent the College in various sports. We have had eight Year 8 students represent CCC in various dance companies throughout the year. This has included competing at the PDSSSC Dance Competition, Hawkesbury City Eisteddfod and performing at events which include the CCC 50th celebration day, the annual Dance Showcase and Captivate’s Dance Festival. This last event will also see Year 8 student Makenzie Clarke performing a work by established and very influential choreographer, Sarah Boulter. Our Year 8 students have also represented the college in Representative Soccer, Netball, Basketball and Touch Football. The soccer team were runners up and the netball team won the competition! Our basketball and touch football teams are currently competing in this season’s competition. Congratulations to all of our representative students!
Our wonderful Year 8 students have continued to be of service to others by making sandwiches for the Vinnies Van and supporting the various house initiatives. We will soon begin bringing in our donations for the Vinnies Christmas hampers.
Our Year 8 students have selected their electives for next year and are looking forward to studying electives of their own choice!
Mrs Catherine Easterbrook
Leader of Learning Year 8