Partnerships and Pathways

Many of our students appreciate the independence, income and valuable workplace skills gained through casual employment in fields like retail, hospitality, coaching, and instructing. Balancing steady employment with school and extracurricular activities teaches responsibility and commitment - essential life skills for future success.
For students ready to embark on their first (or next) job, we’re excited to introduce Ready Set Work, the latest in our Lunch & Learn series. These practical workshops created by one of our partners, Study Work Grow, will give students the confidence, skills and tools they need to land the job they’re after. From how to find jobs and preparing applications through to sealing the deal with job offers, participants will be fully prepared to step into the workforce! Designed for students from Years 9-12, the 10 workshops will be held one Lunch every fortnight (starting Week 5 this term) - and continue through into Term 1 2025. At the end of the course, and having completed the dedicated e-workbook, students will achieve a Ready to Work credential to present to employers in job applications. For our students in Year 12, this could be just the right timing as they prepare resumes and portfolios for university, early entry and scholarships. Students simply need to enrol here to get started!
Our next Lunch and Learn guest speaker event is this Tuesday (5 November) where students can come along and meet Mel, a psychologist from Beneco, an allied health provider whose purpose is to improve the care for people recovering from injury or illness. Psychology is a pathway that is traditionally popular with our students, so we are pleased to provide this opportunity for them to find out about careers in this field - including how to become a psychologist, working in the mental health industry and what is needed to succeed in this rewarding career path.
While on health careers, this month seven Chisholm students had an incredible opportunity to participate in the latest round of the Nepean Health Inspirations Program. Through this valuable and highly sought-after experience, the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District (LHD) is inspiring the next generation of healthcare professionals by giving local high school students a firsthand look at healthcare careers. Health Inspirations is a 3-day program designed for Year 10 and Year 11 students living or studying in our region. It offers hands-on experience and insights into a range of health careers, both on the front lines and behind the scenes. Our students had the chance to meet hospital staff and learn about their career paths, explore various hospital departments and even observe a cardiac procedure! A big thank you to Nepean Health, and especially to Kia-Lee Sutton and Nicole Windon, for this inspiring opportunity for our students.
Students from Years 7-12 can find out about all the latest pathways opportunities and keep up to date with all our careers news and resources at our school’s Careers at Canvas site, as well as through the Ponder Pathways Hub and Beyond.
For any pathways enquiries, or to book a coaching conversation, students can pop into the library or email us: and
Mr Adam MacNamara
Partnerships and Pathways