
It’s Okay Not To Be Okay - Year 5/6 Workshops

On Monday, we were thrilled to welcome Hayleigh and Georgia from It's Okay Not To Be Okay, who facilitated three engaging workshops with our Year 5/6 classes. The sessions were a fantastic opportunity for our students to learn more about mental health and supporting one another.


Georgia gathered some wonderful feedback from our students when asked to describe the workshop in just one word. Here are a few of their responses:


🌟 Supportive

🌟 Magnificent

🌟 Helpful

🌟 Stories

🌟 Content

🌟 Amazing


Our students shared some of their key takeaways as well, including:


🌟 You are never alone

🌟 "I learnt more about mental health"

🌟 "I learnt about Kids Helpline"

🌟 "I learnt about the things that make me happy"

🌟 "I learnt how I can help my friends with mental health"


A big thank you to the Somerville Rotary for generously funding part of these workshops. We’re looking forward to partnering with the It's Okay Not To Be Okay team again next year!




In this edition of SchoolTV - Anxiety


Most young people today experience anxiety at some point in their life. Sometimes that slight rush of anxiety that occurs prior to an exam or sporting event, can enhance their performance. However, experiencing too much anxiety, over long periods of time, can be extremely damaging to their health and wellbeing. There is a difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ anxiety.


Statistics show, that the psychological health of young people today is far worse than it was a generation ago. This is having an adverse affect on children in both primary and secondary levels. Some of their issues of concern include stress, school, study, body image and friendship.


Parents need to be aware of the warning signs of ‘bad’ anxiety. There are preventative measures parents can implement as well as teaching kids the skills to cope more efficiently with their anxiety.


We hope you take time to reflect on the information offered in this edition of SchoolTV and we always welcome your feedback. If you have any concerns about your child, please contact the school counsellor for further information or seek medical or professional help.


Here is the link to the Anxiety edition of SchoolTV
