Principal Report

Welcome Back to Term 4!

We trust that you had a restful break, enjoying some special moments with family. As we step into the new term, we also welcome the warmer days of spring, bringing with them a sense of renewal and energy. Whether you spent time outdoors soaking up the sunshine or simply recharging at home, we hope you're all feeling refreshed and ready for the exciting term ahead. We're thrilled to have you back and look forward to a fantastic Term 4 together!


After a dreamy European summer spent wandering through the sun-soaked streets of southern Italy, with its charming piazzas, ancient ruins, and beautiful beaches, I was filled with awe at the beauty and culture that surrounded me. Every day offered new and exciting adventures. Yet, as the plane touched down back home, I found myself excited to return to school. The familiar faces, the buzzing hallway, and the thrill of new challenges ahead felt just as inviting as Italy's wonders (well, nearly!). It's been a joy to bring back stories of my travels and dive back into learning. I’m also full of travel tips should you be heading to Italy soon!


In my absence, the leadership team, under the guidance of Acting Principal Taxia Katsouranis, ensured the smooth and effective operation of our school. They demonstrated strong leadership by maintaining focus on our strategic goals, fostering a positive school environment, and addressing the needs of both students and staff. Their commitment to upholding the school's vision and values, while efficiently managing daily responsibilities, ensured that the school community continued to thrive. Thank you to all in my absence.


Curriculum Day Term 4 - Melbourne Cup Eve (Report Writing) Monday 4th November  

Please be advised that we have one remaining Curriculum Day, allocated to student reporting, on Monday 4th November. This is a pupil free day with students either staying at home or attending the Out of School Hours Care (QB). QB will be operating on Monday 4 November, should you require care. Please contact them to make arrangements for care directly, or phone 03 9742 5040.


Note also that Tuesday 5 November is a public holiday (Melbourne Cup) and there is no school or care on that day.


Supporting Our Students in Uncertain Times

With recent events unfolding around the world, many children may be exposed to news of global conflicts and violence. Whether through media or discussions at home, some students may feel confused, anxious, or concerned about what they are hearing and what is happening. We understand that these challenging events can impact their emotional wellbeing, and it’s important to recognise how this might affect their thoughts and feelings.


At our school, we want to reassure both parents and students that we are here to offer support. If you are concerned about your child's wellbeing and feel they need additional support during this time, we encourage you to speak to your classroom teacher. We are committed to creating a safe, caring environment where students feel comfortable sharing their worries, and we’ll work together to help them navigate these emotions. To all of our community members who have family members impacted by the events, our thoughts are with you.


Building Works Update

I am pleased to provide you with an update on the ongoing building works at our school. I am happy to report that the entire project remains on track. During the school holidays, the restumping of the concrete foundations in the main building was successfully completed. We anticipate that the two Year Two classrooms will be finished during the first two weeks of this term, in accordance with our project schedule. 


Additionally, a new electrical cable has been installed to provide power to the entire school. This will replace the generator located near the music room, which is scheduled to be removed during the January holidays. 


Thank you for your continued support and patience during this construction period. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to a refreshed and improved school environment.


Sun Protection Policy 

As we embrace the warmer weather of Term 4, we kindly remind you of our commitment to sun safety and the NLPS Sun Protection Policy. All students are required to wear hats when playing outside or during outdoor activities. This essential measure helps protect our children from harmful sun exposure and ensures a safe and enjoyable outdoor experience. Please ensure your child/ren comes to school with a hat every single day this term. For students that forget, they will be asked to play in the shaded areas only. New hats are available to purchase from the school office for $15 or directly from our uniform supplier DCS Uniforms.


We would like to remind you that the school provides sunscreen for students to use during outdoor activities, which must be applied by the students themselves. You are welcome to supply your own sunscreen for your child/ren to use while at school. Please ensure that any sunscreen sent is clearly labelled with your child's name. Thank you for your continued support in keeping our students sun-safe!


Quantin Binnah OSCH Information

I would like to extend our sincere thanks to all the parents who took the time to provide valuable feedback on the services provided by Quantin Binnah (QB). Your input is instrumental in ensuring that we continuously improve the quality of care and services available to our students.


Following the survey responses, we have asked QB to incorporate the feedback received from both parents and the school to address the highlighted issues. We appreciate your candid responses, and QB is working to make adjustments accordingly.


In terms of our ongoing partnership with QB, we are pleased to announce that the Agreement Extension has been approved. This extension will cover the period from January 1, 2025, to December 31, 2025. Importantly, the School Council has asked QB to commit to no further fee increases for the remainder of the extension period.


Looking ahead, the school (via School Council) will be initiating the OSHC procurement tender process early next year. This will allow us to explore all available options and ensure the best possible care for our students.


Thank you again for your continued support and involvement. We look forward to working together to provide the best possible service for our community.


Planning for 2025

The leadership team is now working on 2025 planning, class structures, and the staffing recruitment process. To help us plan for 2025, we would appreciate families notifying the school as soon as possible if your child/ren in years Foundation to Year 5 will not be returning to our school in 2025. 


Please email the school office - here. Please include your child's final day at NLPS and the name of the school they will be attending in 2025.


Class Formations for 2025

Class formation is a complex process which is carefully curated throughout Term 4 by our leadership team and current staff. When creating classes and allocating students, teachers pay consideration to a balance of factors including gender balance of male/female, academic abilities, behaviours, and students with a disability or a diagnosis. 


Teachers will work in collaborative teams during Term 4 of this year, to allocate students to 2025 classes. If you have any ‘educational considerations’ for your child’s 2025 placement, please email me at before Monday 28 October, noting that we do not accept requests for specific teachers.


Important Events and Reminders

Please be sure to access the 'Important Dates' tab of our newsletter as we have many planned and exciting events coming up this term.


I’m looking forward to a great Term 4 and hope you are, too!

Have a wonderful fortnight.


Carly Bannon

Proud NLPS Principal




School Saving Bonus for families 

You may have heard about the School Saving Bonus. A reminder to our families that you are eligible to receive the $400 School Saving Bonus in Term 4, 2024. This bonus may assist with expenses associated with education, like textbooks, school supplies, and extracurricular activities, by using the $400 School Saving Bonus.


The School Saving Bonus is in addition to existing and continuing means-tested support for the Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund and the Affordable School Uniforms Program.

The Department of Education is requesting parents and carers to do the following before October 18, 2024: 

  • Complete enrolment: If your child or children are entering Year 7 or Prep in 2025, or if they are switching government schools for Term 1 of that year. 
  • Verify the details of your contact information: Make sure your phone number and email address are current with us.

We need to ensure your contact information is up to date as the Department of Education will email you twice:

-           in October, to verify your email address

-           in November, with your $400 School Saving Bonus.

Please check your junk mail regularly to ensure you do not miss an important email.


To learn more about the School Saving Bonus, download the School Saving Bonus Information sheet for government school parents and carers or visit