REC News
Shannon Cain
REC News
Shannon Cain
Each term, year groups attend the Parish Mass at 9:30am at St Joseph's Church.
Parents are welcome to join their child at this Mass.
Week 3- Year 1
Week 4- Year 2
Week 5- Whole School Sacraments Mass (Lead by Year 3)
Week 6- Year 4
Week 7- Year 5
Week 8- Year 3
Week 9 - Whole School Mass/ Yr 6 Graduation
Thank you for your generous donations of money and food items to be given to charities in our local community.
The Vinnies Van and Missionaries of Charity were very grateful for your support and prayers over the week.
Thank you to Year 5 Teachers, Students and PACE helpers for hosting such a wonderful Grand Friend's Lunch and Liturgy. It was the first time for McAuley and was so lovely to have so many visitors to the school.